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His Name Is Mud

His Name Is Mud

His Name Is Mud--runner in mudMany children love to play in mud. Some animals roll in mud. However, no one wants to hear his name is mud.

Anyone whose name is mud is in trouble.

 The person’s bad situation makes him:

  • Unpopular
  • Dishonored
  • Have a bad reputation

Many believe his name is mud began with Dr. Samuel Mudd.

Dr. Mudd treated John Wilkes Booth’s broken leg after Booth killed President Abraham Lincoln. Dr. Mudd went to jail but was later pardoned. Many say he was innocent of any wrong. However, his reputation suffered.

His name is mud was a common expression before Dr. Mudd.

It often meant a person was a fool.

A person whose name is mud can come clean.

If guilty of bad behavior, he can:

  • Admit his mistakes
  • Ask forgiveness
  • Turn to God for guidance

If innocent of bad behavior, he can:

  • Live a life that shows his innocence
  • Explain what happened, if he thinks that will help
  • Show proof of his innocence
  • Watch his step to prevent future problems

“He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand” (Psalm 40:2).

Thanks to Terry Brewer for the suggestion.

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Spin Our Wheels

Spin Our Wheels

Spin Our Wheels--car stuck in mudIf we spin our wheels, we move but get nowhere.

We may travel a muddy road and get stuck. We spin our wheels. The wheels go around, but the car stays stuck.

We walk on a treadmill. Although good for our health, all that walking takes us nowhere.

We try to work but have no success.

  • Ideas refuse to come.
  • What we try fails.
  • We spend time on useless work.
  • Someone or something destroys all we have done.
  • We do a bad job.

When we spin our wheels, we waste time.

Although active,

  • We do not go forward.
  • We do not go back.

Instead, we stay stuck where we are. We feel like we can’t win for losing.

How do we stop our wheels from spinning?

We can:

  • Move on to something else.
  • Work harder.
  • Find a new way to get the job done.
  • Slow down. Remember haste makes waste.

Don’t give up.

We all spin our wheels sometimes. Keep moving forward.

“Our only power and success comes from God” (2 Corinthians 3:5 TLB).

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Photo courtesy of Pixabay.