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Needle in a Haystack

Needle in a Haystack

Needle in a Haystack--field of haystacksHave you tried to find a needle in a haystack? Believe me, it is not easy. I have never looked for a real needle in a stack of hay. However, I have hunted for several hard-to-locate items.

I have searched high and low and looked up one side and down the other for:

  • A black button in a pile of black clothing
  • A needle in a box of pins
  • A four-leaf clover in a three-leaf clover field

A needle in a haystack means anything hard to find.

A few items are almost impossible to locate. When mixed with other things that look about the same, I can spend hours hunting. Sometimes I succeed. Other times I fail.

Some needles are worth the effort. Others are not.

  • When I need a black button, I keep looking for it.
  • If I have to sew that button on a shirt, I keep looking for the needle.
  • Only when I have free time do I look for four-leaf clovers.

Opportunities to help others require little searching.

Needs exist everywhere.

  • News reports tell of recent events.
  • Churches use volunteers and offerings for local and world-wide ministry.
  • Crisis relief centers meet daily emergencies.

Search for and help with God’s work wherever you find it.

[There is] “a time to search and a time to give up.” (Ecclesiastes 3:6 NIV).

Thanks to Janna Babak for the suggestion. Image by Bronisław Dróżka from Pixabay.

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