Nest Egg
Do you have a nest egg? Perhaps you hide it in a special place at your home. Maybe in a sock or a cookie jar? Or you might keep it in a bank or other financial institution.
Family members might be aware of your nest egg. Or maybe only you know about it.
A nest egg is money saved for a later time.
Planned uses include:
- Buying a house
- Retirement
- Emergencies
- Travel
- A rainy day
Nest eggs may be large or small.
Small ones help with:
- Christmas or birthday gifts
- Toys
- Clothes or shoes
- A fancy meal
This expression comes from leaving an egg in a chicken’s nest.
A nest egg can be real or fake. Its purpose is to encourage the chicken to lay more eggs.
Most people think of nest eggs for personal use. However, the idea can be expanded to the needs of others. Since you can’t take it with you, what fun to save in order to give it away.
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7 NIV).
(I know the above picture is a robin’s egg rather than a chicken’s. Yet isn’t it lovely?)
Thanks to Regina Graham for the suggestion. Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay.
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