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Make a Mountain Out of a Molehill

Make a Mountain Out of a Molehill

Make a Mountain out of a molehill--mountain reflected in waterWe often let the smallest problem bother us most.

We make a mountain out of a molehill. We make:

  • Something easy seem hard
  • A small problem seem big
  • Something unimportant seem important

Moles are small animals. So are the hills they make. Yet, we don’t like them.

  • They make a mess in yards and fields.
  • We may fall if we step on them.

However, if we watch our step, we can walk around or over molehills. We must climb for days to the top of some mountains.

Molehills destroy a yard’s beauty. A mountain’s volcano can destroy everything for miles.

We often forget how small our problems are.

Think about:

  • Colds compared to cancer
  • Flat tires compared to car wrecks
  • A bad meal compared to no food
  • A rained-out ballgame compared to an island destroyed by a storm

We may not feel on top of the world all the time. However, most days can be hunky dory.

Make a Mountain out of a MolehillLet’s not allow small problems to ruin our lives.

Rather than make a mountain out of a molehill, remember what matters most. Also remember, whether our problems are big or small, we never have to walk alone.

“We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they are good for us—they help us learn to be patient” (Romans 5:3 TLB).

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