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Burn Our Bridges Behind Us

Burn Our Bridges Behind Us

Burn Our Bridges behind UsWe can’t go back when we burn our bridges behind us.

 An army occasionally burns bridges when it does not want its enemy to follow. However, that also means the army can’t return across those bridges.

Likewise, we burn our bridges behind us when we make decisions we can’t change.

We can’t undo them, just as we can’t unscramble eggs. For example, we might:

  • Get a tattoo
  • Quit school

Our behavior can also burn our bridges behind us.

Some actions make people want us to stay away. This often happens if we:

  • Yell at our boss and quit our job
  • Get a divorce

Rather than build bridges, we destroy them.

Sometimes we can repair burned bridges or build new ones.

Yet, the situation will never be the same. We try to make it as good as possible. Much like we mend fences, we rebuild our bridges.

That may mean we:

  • Walk through water until we build a new bridge
  • Cover our tattoo or have surgery to remove it
  • Return to school as an older student
  • Apologize to our boss or spouse

Water under the bridge means the past can’t be changed. What happened in the past may or may not have been our choice. However, when we burn our bridges behind us, we make the choice. Let’s be sure we want to live with the choices we make.

“If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve me” (Jeremiah 15:19 NIV).

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Photo courtesy of Pixabay.

Cry Over Spilled Milk

Cry Over Spilled Milk

Cry Over Spilled Milk--a glass of spilled milk“Dry your tears. There is no need to cry over spilled milk.”

As a child, I often heard those words. Sometimes I had spilled milk. Usually I was unhappy about something I could not change.

We cry over spilled milk when upset about what we cannot control. Often what upset us occurred in the past.

We cannot undo the past.

We cannot unspill milk. Neither can we undo anything that has already happened. The past is water under the bridge.

We can do something about the present and future.

  • If something bad happened in the past, we can learn from the experience.
  • If something good happened, we can remember and smile.
  • If we hurt someone, we can ask forgiveness.
  • If someone hurt us, we can forgive.

Instead of crying over spilled milk, we can let bygones be bygones. We can choose to grow from all that happens, good or bad.

“One thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead” (Philippians 3:13 NIV).

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Good Old Days

Good Old Days

Good Old Days--old photo of little girl holding dollSome people want life like it was years ago.

They wish for the good old days. They remember mostly good times from their past. Many desire the freedom of childhood.

The good old days were good in many ways.

  • Close family relationships
  • No need to lock doors
  • Home-cooked meals with friends
  • A more relaxed schedule

Yet, the good old days were not all good.

  • No air conditioning
  • Fewer health services
  • Poor transportation
  • No telephones or electricity in some areas

When life gets hard, people often wish for simpler times.

Much of life in the past was simpler. Plus, people get so busy with all of today’s gadgets that we forget one another.

Personal contact may be what people miss most about the good old days.

  • Taking time to talk, laugh, cry, and do nothing together
  • Looking at one another instead of cell phones or tablets
  • Asking, “How are you?” and then stopping to listen

Why can’t today become one of those good old days?

Why can’t people take time for one another? That sounds like a good plan to me. What do you think?

“This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24 NKJV).

Do you have a favorite good old days memory? If so, please comment.

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Water under the Bridge

Water under the Bridge

Water under the BridgeSome of my favorite childhood memories took place under this old swinging bridge. My sister, cousins, and I waded in the water under the bridge. I learned to swim in the water on the other side of the bridge.

We loved to walk across that bridge. It swayed and bounced like an amusement park ride. It scared me silly, but I always wanted to cross it again … and again … and again.

As I walked across the bridge, I looked down at the water. I didn’t think much about it then, but the water under the bridge kept changing. It flowed down the creek, replaced by new water. That constant movement kept the water fresh and safe.

When anything is water under the bridge,  it has already happened.

It’s over and cannot be changed. Like water that has traveled under a bridge, that experience is past.

In spite of that, we often hang on to the past, not letting it go. We fail to let bygones be bygones. In the process, we make ourselves miserable.

Rather than living in the past, let’s realize the past is water under the bridge.

  • We can remember it.
  • We can learn from it.
  • But we must not dwell on it.

Live in the present. Look forward to the future.

“He who has compassion on them will guide them and lead them beside springs of water” (Isaiah 49:10 NIV).

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Let Bygones Be Bygones

Let Bygones Be Bygones

Let Bygones Be Bygones 3The past controls too many people.

They will not let bygones be bygones. Instead of letting the past be past, they spend all their time remembering.

  • Some remember great things they did but can no longer do.
  • Others wish for the simpler, easier life when they were younger.

Far too many think about all the wrongs done to them.

  • Their family or friends hurt them.
  • Their boss treated them unfairly.
  • They lost money.
  • They never had a chance to improve their lives.

Everything that happens affects us.

Many people do suffer unfairly. Others live with painful memories. Some allow anger to control their lives. They hurt others because they feel hurt.

Life’s not always fair. We must decide how to live with that fact.

Will we learn from the past but live in the present? Only then can we look forward to the future.

Let’s not allow the past to control us.

Let bygones be bygones.

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past” (Isaiah 43:18 NIV).

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