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Tag: pay attention

On the Ball

On the Ball

On the Ball-girl softball player at batWhen I played softball, both my coach and my husband reminded me to keep my eye on the ball. Whether batting or playing third base, I needed to focus on the ball.

As my husband said, “You can’t hit it if you don’t see it.” He also reminded me, “You can’t throw it if you don’t catch it.”

On the ball means to stay alert.

It applies to all of life.

If I remain on the ball, I:

  • Pay attention
  • Learn all I can
  • Do what needs to be done

On the ball also means skillful.

I was never the best player. I tried hard and did my best. However, other players were more skillful. They knew how to get the ball rolling in a game.


  • Understood the game better
  • Moved faster
  • Had more success

Many times, when they swung for the fences, they hit a home run.

Nevertheless, I

  • Had a great time
  • Met new friends
  • Made many memories

God gives new opportunities to stay on the ball every day. Like everyone, I choose whether to accept them.

“Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people” (Ephesians 6:18 NIV).

Thanks to Carole Fite for the suggestion and to Richard Robards for the photo.

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Two Left Feet

Two Left Feet

Two Left Feet--two left shoes on feetSometimes I think I was born with two left feet. I constantly bump into things and discover bruises with no idea how I got them.

I have had this talent all my life. As a child, I practiced math by counting my bruises. I think fifteen to twenty was my record.

Two left feet means clumsy.

I bump into:

  • Doors
  • Furniture
  • Counter tops

This awkward talent often results from having my head in the clouds. My mind wanders. I fail to pay attention.

Two left feet often refers to a poor dancer.

I have never danced much. However, when I dance, I pay more attention. A few people have a tough time getting their dancing feet to work together.

Practice improves coordination.

 If I focus on my task, I run into things less often. If dancers practice, they improve their skill. Paying attention always helps.

When walking or dancing, focus on feet. When reading or talking, watch those words. When listening, remain all ears. Pay special attention when God directs.

“Listen and hear my voice; pay attention and hear what I say” (Isaiah 28:23 NIV).

Thanks to Charles Smithers for the suggestion.

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In One Ear and Out the Other

In One Ear and Out the Other

In One Ear and Out the Other--three horses, only one looking and listeningMany people wonder if anyone hears what they say. Their words seem to go in one ear and out the other.

  • Children ignore or forget what parents say.
  • Students fail to remember or do what teachers say.
  • Husbands or wives declare they did not hear their spouse’s words.
  • Pets pay no attention.

Those to whom they speak:

  • Hear noise
  • May hear words
  • Fail to hear the message

In one ear and out the other means people do not hear or quickly forget what another person says.

It often implies they do not listen or pay attention.

Occasionally it refers to selective hearing — hearing what they want to hear and ignoring the rest. Other times, people pay no attention to anyone whose beliefs differ from theirs.

Too many distractions cause many messages to go in one ear and out the other.

Distractions result from:

  • Multi-tasking — trying to do too much at the same time
  • Focusing on phones, television, books, or other interests rather than the person talking

People usually hear and remember if they stay all ears.

They focus totally on the person talking. They listen with their eyes  as well as their ears. That kind of attention shows respect for the speaker and the speaker’s message — a good plan for anyone.

“Ears that hear and eyes that see—the Lord has made them both” (Proverbs 20:12 NIV).

Thanks to Emily Akin for the suggestion and Mary Lou Rafferty for the photo.

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Miss the Boat

Miss the Boat

Miss the Boat--river boatDid you ever miss the boat? I did, in more ways than one.

Years ago, I went to Minneapolis for training. One day I planned a late afternoon boat cruise. Our last speaker was great. I decided to buy one of his books and have him sign it.

Several people left before he finished his talk. I thought, How rude.

After I bought my book, I looked at my watch. Oh, no! I missed the boat. I failed to stay on my toes about the time. Others left early so they would not miss the boat.

Rather than cry over spilled milk, a friend and I took a self-guided city tour.

To miss the boat can have several meanings:

  • Be too late (as I was on my trip)
  • Fail to understand something
  • Make a mistake
  • Miss an opportunity

If we miss one boat, we can usually take another one.

  • If too late for one event, schedule another.
  • Ask someone to explain what we don’t understand.
  • Learn from mistakes and try again.
  • Look for new opportunities.

However, another boat is not always possible.

  • We may not be able to reschedule what we miss. (I did not have time for another cruise in Minneapolis.)
  • No one can understand everything.
  • Some mistakes will always cause problems.
  • We may never have a similar opportunity.

Therefore, let’s pay attention, learn well, and try not to miss the boat.

“Make the most of every opportunity” (Colossians 4:5 NIV).

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Egg on My Face

Egg on My Face

Egg on My Face--child eating, messy faceBrenna often had egg (and other food) on her face when she was smaller. Children get messy while they learn to eat.

Although no longer a child, I still get egg on my face. I did so at least three times recently.

  • Once I ate an egg too fast.
  • Twice I made silly mistakes.

When I get egg on my face, I embarrass myself.

I fail to do something right. Sometimes I make simple mistakes. They cause no big problems. Other times, my mistakes are more serious. I fall flat.

What should I do when I get egg on my face?

  • Laugh at the silly little things. Everyone makes mistakes.
  • Wipe the egg off and keep going. Don’t give up.
  • Pay more attention. Be careful so I don’t make more mistakes.
  • See it as an opportunity. Go back to the drawing board and learn to do better.

“A man who refuses to admit his mistakes can never be successful. But if he confesses and forsakes them, he gets another chance” (Proverbs 28:13 TLB).

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Thanks to Darrin Jenkins for the photo.