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Take Their Half Out of the Middle

Take Their Half Out of the Middle

Take Their Half Out of the Middle--winding country roadI never like to meet drivers who take their half out of the middle of the road. Especially on a winding country road. They only take half. However, other drivers have no safe place to go. The person in the middle risks the lives of everyone they meet.

Drivers should remain on one side of the road. In the United States, they stay on the right. In several countries, they drive on the left. Drivers need to remain on the correct side, wherever they travel.

To take their half out of the middle means to take the correct amount but in a way that hurts others.

Although this often refers to drivers, it also applies to other circumstances.

  • People who eat the center of a cream filled cake or cookie
  • Children who refuse to move from the center of a car’s back seat
  • Anyone who takes the best from the center of anything

Instead of a total focus on self, consider the rights of others.

  •  What do they need?
  • How can I help?

Rather than self-centered, why not self-giving?

“Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share” (1 Timothy 6:18 NIV).

Thanks to Judy Beth Shugart Clark for the suggestion.

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Forever and a Day

Forever and a Day

Forever and a Day--Grand CanyonThousands of people hike the twenty-one-mile Rim to Rim Grand Canyon trail. They probably feel like it takes forever and a day during the heat of summer. The trail includes a one-mile hike down and another up. Most hikers require an overnight stay in the canyon. The park suggests most visitors not try that trail in the hottest weather. Temperatures reach over 100° F.

Forever and a day means a long time.

Forever is eternal or always. It will never end, so we cannot add time to it. Forever and a day simply adds emphasis. It exaggerates the idea.

We wish some experiences would end quickly.

They feel like they last forever.

  • Illness
  • Tests
  • Boring speeches
  • Workdays when we want to go home

We look for the light at the end of the tunnel.

We wish other experiences would last forever.

  • Favorite vacations
  • Love for family
  • Fun with friends

All who follow Jesus have an eternal home in heaven.

  • Time without end in perfect peace with God
  • No more sorrow or pain (or boring speeches)
  • Joy beyond anything we can imagine.

At the end of the road, we have no better way to spend forever and a day.

“After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever” (1 Thessalonians 4:17 NIV).

Thanks to Janna Babak for the suggestion.

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Nail It

Nail It

Cross in center of paper, nailed to a rough piece of woodDuring the Olympics and other sporting events, athletes want to nail it.

  • Skaters desire a perfect balance of style, strength, and difficulty.
  • Swimmers want to remain in their lanes and reach the wall first.
  • Runners pull out all the stops to cross the finish line before anyone else.

To nail it is to do a job well.

People succeed. They complete accurate work or present an almost perfect performance. They hit the nail on the head.

Jesus nailed our sins to the cross.

Although soldiers hung Him there, Jesus gave His life freely.

Jesus lived a perfect life and died the perfect sacrifice for our sins. His resurrection on the third day was the final nail of victory over sin and death.

We nail our part in God’s perfect plan when we accept Jesus’ offer of salvation.  

We cannot earn our way to heaven. However, Jesus prepared the way for us. He nailed our salvation.

At Easter and always, we celebrate and tell others of the fresh start possible through Jesus’ perfect gift.

“[God] forgave us all our sins, having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross” (Colossians 2:13-14).

Thanks to Debbie Tapscott for the suggestion. Image by congerdesign from Pixabay.

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Right as Rain

Right as Rain

Right as Rain--raindrops on leaves and flowerLike a gentle rain on a hot, dry day, some things feel right as rain. Plants need refreshment, and so do people. After a long, dry spell of trouble, we love calm showers of peace.

Right as rain often means life is all right.

We enjoy:

  • Good or improved health
  • Everything working as it should

We feel well. Problems are solved. Work is complete.

Right as rain also means something is correct.

  • We give the right answers on a test.
  • Our work meets or exceeds requirements.

At times, right as rain means dependable.

People are as good as their word. We can take what they say to the bank. Regardless of their circumstances, rain or shine, they do what is right.

God offers a good, correct, and dependable life.

That does not mean everything always goes as we hope. It does mean everything will eventually work out.

Sooner or later, people fail. God never has and never will. We can trust God with our lives and our futures.

“Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants” (Deuteronomy 32:2 NIV).

Thanks to Regina Graham for the suggestion.

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Shoot the Breeze

Shoot the Breeze

Shoot the Breeze--two women in rocking chairs on a porchOur family loves to sit on the porch or under a tree and shoot the breeze. Like Mom and Aunt Ersie always did, we enjoy time together. We talk almost constantly. However, our conversations usually focus on fun.

We get serious when we must, but we rather not.

To shoot the breeze refers to casual conversation.

Talk stays:

  • Friendly
  • Informal
  • Light-hearted

We chase rabbits rather than discuss world news. With no plan, we talk about whatever comes to mind and seldom lock horns in debate.

When conversations slow, we relax in one another’s company.

Occasionally, we must rest our vocal cords. If that happens, we  find pleasure in the wind’s breeze. Quiet time prepares us for another round of conversation.

Or we eat. Of course, we usually talk while we eat. After all, food is one of our favorite topics.

We cannot shoot the breeze forever.

Although we love fun times, we must still tackle life’s hard issues. A few moments to rest and shoot the breeze help prepare us to deal with life’s problems and sorrows.

“There is a time for everything, a time to weep and a time to laugh” (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 4 NIV).

Thanks to Janna Babak for the suggestion.

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The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Oil

The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Oil

The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Oil--old cart and carriagesOld wagons, carts, and carriages remind us that the squeaky wheel gets the oil (or grease). Their rides equal hours of fun — if the wheels work well.

However, when a wheel starts to squeak, it stands out from the others. It differs, but not in a good way. It:

  • Irritates
  • Angers
  • Makes us wish it would stop

A squeaky wheel demands attention.

No one likes that constant noise. It gets on our nerves, so we give it the attention it demands. We oil (or grease) it.

The person who complains the loudest and longest also gets the most attention.

Yet, choose carefully when to squeak and when to stay quiet.

Several situations compel us to speak up.

We should voice our concerns about:

  • Abuse or neglect
  • Serious consumer complaints
  • Obvious needs we can help

Yet, noise about everything all the time makes people avoid us.

Remember, silence can be golden. If we constantly fly off the handle, we harm ourselves as well as others.

A word to the wise: Speak up when we should make noise. Shut up when we need peace and quiet.

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute” (Proverbs 31:8 NIV).

Thanks to Phyllis Patton for the suggestion.

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Sweat Bullets

Sweat Bullets

Sweat Bullets-sweat on foreheadFew of us like to sweat bullets – physical or emotional.

After a hard day of physical work, giant drops of sweat the size of bullets drip from us. We get:

We long for a cool breeze, swim, or shower to help us feel better.

To sweat bullets also refers to emotional stress.

We become:

  • Anxious
  • Nervous.
  • Distressed
  • Fearful

We turn into worry warts.

Many stresses result from our circumstances.

  • Physical illness
  • Death
  • Job loss
  • Financial problems
  • Natural disasters

Other stresses come from within us.

We worry about:

  • An unknown future
  • Our purpose in life
  • Life after death

Whether external or internal, we tie ourselves in knots.

Next week we will look at a better way to deal with life’s stresses. Until then, stay cool, physically and emotionally. Seek God’s peace and purpose for this life and the next. Enjoy the possibilities of every day.

“Don’t fret and worry—it only leads to harm” (Psalm 37:8 TLB).

Thanks to Ann Maniscalco for the suggestion.

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On Cloud Nine

On Cloud Nine

On Cloud Nine--clouds and sun raysWe love life on cloud nine. Something wonderful happens, and we feel on top of the world.

On cloud nine, we experience extreme happiness.

We burst with joy because of those special moments.

  • Graduation after years of hard work and study
  • A job promotion
  • Marriage to the love of our life
  • The birth of a long-awaited child or grandchild
  • Cure from serious illness

Opinions vary on the origin of on cloud nine.

 According to The Phrase Finder and The Free Dictionary, possible explanations relate to:

  • Classifications of clouds by the United States Weather Bureau
  • Stages of enlightenment in Buddhism
  • Nine as a mystical number

Other explanations also exist. The Phrase Finder says the phrase probably began as a “‘head in the clouds’ dreaminess” rather than happiness.

Whether on cloud nine or down in the dumps, life can be good.

A good life does not depend upon circumstances, clouds, personal enlightenment, or numbers. Rather, it comes from Jesus’ offer of eternal love, hope, peace, and joy if we trust in Him. That is the promise of Easter.

 “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him” (Romans 15:13 NIV).

Thanks to Brad Leverett for the suggestion.

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Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie--dog curled up in sleepLike several animals (and a few people) dogs can be dangerous when suddenly wakened. Therefore, we usually let sleeping dogs lie. We leave them alone to sleep in peace.

In daily life, we often choose to let sleeping dogs lie.

Instead of causing trouble, we avoid it. We don’t want to make a bad situation worse. If all is well and no one will benefit, why hurt anyone? We leave good enough alone.

Many words or actions only cause problems. Therefore,

Most situations are none of our business. Gossip and interference make us busybodies and do no one any good

However, at times we need to speak or act.

We must take a stand when necessary to:

  • Make a bad situation better
  • Help someone who hurts

Stay out of the doghouse. Unless actions will help, let sleeping dogs lie.

“It is to one’s honor to avoid strife, but every fool is quick to quarrel” (Proverbs 20:3 NIV).

Thanks to Brad Leverett for the suggestion. Photo courtesy of Pixabay.

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End of the Road

End of the Road

End of the Road--setting sun at end of a roadWhile on a trip, many of us look forward to the end of the road.

Once we hit the trail, we can hardly wait to get where we are going. We want to spend most of our time there.

If we ride a bus or train, we might talk about the end of the line. The road or line stops, so the bus or train cannot go farther.

The end of the road means the conclusion or final step.

This expression may refer to the end of a:

  • Trip
  • Process
  • Activity

Often the end of the road refers to death, the end of life’s journey.

We kick the bucket. We are graveyard dead.

On Memorial Day, we remember and honor those who died in service for our country.

Many of us look forward to the end of life’s journey.

We enjoy life. However, we know when we reach the end of life’s road, we step into our eternal home in heaven.

On a trip, people may follow the sun for physical direction. To receive a home in heaven, we follow the Son for spiritual direction. Jesus, God’s Son, offers life and purpose both now and at the end of the road.

“Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life” (John 3:36 NIV).

Thanks to Janis Atwood for the photo

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