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Preaching to the Choir

Preaching to the Choir

Preaching to the choir--church choir in robesPastors don’t need to convince believers to accept Jesus. That would be like preaching to the choir. Believers have already made that choice.

Preaching to the choir means trying to get people to accept an idea they already believe.

 Why try to convince them when they:

  • Share the same opinion
  • Support the same cause

Some people compare this to kicking an open door. The door stands open. No one needs to kick or knock on it.

  • Doctors don’t need to be told people get sick.
  • Teachers don’t need to be told children’s minds wander.
  • Judges don’t need to be told people break the law.

They already know that.

Preaching to the Choir--children and adultsTo spread a message, the messenger must go to those who:

  • Have not heard it
  • Do not believe it
  • Need to learn more about it

Preaching to the Choir--children's choirOf course, people enjoy sharing the same beliefs. Choir members sing and praise God with other believers. True worship makes them all ears to God’s message. It warms the cockles of their hearts.

However, they also take their message outside the church. They want to share it with people who have not heard.

“The master said to the servant, ‘Go out to the highways and hedges and compel people to come in, that my house may be filled’” (Luke 14:23 ESV).

Thanks to Darrin Jenkins for the suggestion and to Campbellsville Baptist Church and Joan Tinnell for the photos.

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