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Don’t Get Too Big for Your Britches

Don’t Get Too Big for Your Britches

Don't Get Too Big for Your Britches 3Don’t get too big for your britches has nothing to do with our height, weight, or the size of our pants. Rather, it warns us against having too much pride. Similar expressions tell us not to put on a high hat or act high and mighty.

When life goes well, we should certainly enjoy it. However, we don’t want to grow arrogant over our good fortune. Circumstances can quickly change.

Let’s maintain balance in our lives.

  • Celebrate success, but give credit to those who helped us succeed.
  • Enjoy financial gain but share that wealth with those in need.
  • Seek the occupation of our dreams but express appreciation for the work of others.
  • Strive for self-improvement but never at anyone else’s expense.

We all put our britches on one leg at a time.

No one deserves to be viewed as less worthy than anyone else. Likewise, no one deserves to be viewed as more worthy than others.   Let’s treat everyone with the same respect we desire.

“Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18 NET).

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