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Rock Bottom

Rock Bottom

Rock BottomHave you ever hit rock bottom, when you have gone as low as you can go?

Rock bottom may mean you have lost any or all of the following, plus more:

  • Money
  • Home
  • Job
  • Friends
  • Family
  • Self-respect
  • Energy
  • Desire to live

Our suffering may be no fault of our own. However, we often hit rock bottom because of poor choices. In addition, we may have to hit the bottom before we see the need to change.

At the bottom, we realize we can’t keep making the same mistakes. Like hiking to the bottom of Bryce Canyon, going down is easier than going up. Yet, in order to survive, we must get out. So one step at a time, we slowly make our way to the top.

Once we make it, we look back and understand how far we have come.

At the same time, poor choices may continue to tempt us. When that happens, how do we keep from hitting rock bottom again?

  • Remember where we were and where we want to be.
  • Don’t go places that will tempt us.
  • Don’t spend time with people who will tempt us.
  • Find support from people who have also come up from the bottom.
  • Base our lives on a foundation that is as solid as a rock.

“The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge” (Psalm 18:2 NIV).

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