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Stuck Up

Stuck Up

Stuck Up--Squirrel on top of bird feederI caught this little squirrel where he should not be, doing what he should not do. The feeder was for birds, not squirrels. Yet, there he sat, stuck up and daring me to do anything about it.

Squirrels apparently believe rules about bird feeders don’t apply to them. They ignore such restrictions. They focus on what they want and do whatever it takes to get it:

  • Climb poles
  • Hang from limbs
  • Turn upside down

If it benefits them, who cares about the birds?

Many people exhibit a similar attitude.

Stuck up people feel proud or superior.


  • Have a big head
  • Look down on others
  • Feel overconfident
  • Act conceited

Stuck up people’s egos rule their actions.

 Because they believe they are better than anyone else, they:

  • Use people to get what they want
  • Mistreat people
  • Work only to benefit themselves

Hardly anyone likes such rude, highfalutin ways.

Stuck up people’s behavior often leads to trouble.

Many get caught where they should not be, doing what they should not do.

All people have worth.

No one is more or less important than anyone else. No one has any good reason to act arrogant –  too big for their britches.

God offers a better way.

  • Love one another.
  • Respect one another.
  • Care for one another, regardless of status.

“Don’t be stuck-up and think you’re better than everyone else” (Proverbs 30:13 MSG).

Thanks to Betty C. Johnson for the suggestion and to Jenny Kuo for the photo.

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Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth

Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth

Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth, horses in a fieldThe right response for any gift is Thank you.

We never want to act ungrateful. So, don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.

Some people can tell a horse’s age by looking in its mouth. Checking a gift horse’s age is rude. So is inspecting any gift for problems. We might do that later when the gift giver is not with us. But don’t do it in the giver’s presence.

Remember a gift is a gift.

We don’t earn it. Therefore,

  • Be thankful for any gift.
  • Don’t compare it to other people’s gifts.
  • Don’t act like you wish for more.
  • Don’t worry about what it costs.
  • Keep an attitude of gratitude.

A gift’s price matters less than our love and concern for one another.

  • Give freely.
  • Express thanks often.
  • Focus on feelings, not finances.

“Always be thankful” (Colossians 3:15 NIV).

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