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Deer in the Headlights

Deer in the Headlights

Deer in the Headlights-deer on a foggy road In our garden spot of the world, we have to watch for deer in the headlights. We have several trees on one side of the road and farm fields on the other. Although beautiful and fun to watch, deer cause many accidents.

Deer in the headlights freeze in the middle of the road.

Both cars and the people in them suffer damage if they fail to stop in time. Therefore, we drive slower in certain areas.

If we act like deer in the headlights, we also freeze in place.

Causes include:

  • Fear
  • Surprise
  • Confusion
  • Strong emotions

We might:

  • Get caught red-handed
  • Experience unexpected and overwhelming responsibilities
  • Face decisions with no easy answers
  • Receive news of a birth, marriage, death, or other major family event

Although we freeze at times, unsure what to do, we don’t have to face the future alone.

God offers guidance and hope, whatever our situation.

“Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord” (Psalm 31:24 NIV).

Thanks to Carole Fite for the suggestion. Image by enriquelopezgarre from Pixabay

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In the Sticks

In the Sticks

In the Sticks-leaf-covered road through treesMany of us grew up in the sticks. We had to travel several miles to the closest town. Our travel time increased to reach a city. Some of us remain in the sticks or visit often.

In the sticks means in the country.

 It describes life in the middle of nowhere. Business usually involves plants and animals, not stores or factories.

People who hate country life describe it as:

  • Unsophisticated
  • Culturally backward

People who love country life call it:

  • Rustic
  • Back to nature

Nothing compares to country living.  

 Work is usually hard. However, the calmer, slower lifestyle makes such hard work worth it.

Our family loves our garden spot of the world. A few relatives remain where we grew up. Others live closer to modern conveniences … but not too close.

Whether we live in the sticks, visit when we can, or travel through them, we can all enjoy our time there.

Thanks to Janna Babak for the suggestion.

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