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Move Heaven and Earth

Move Heaven and Earth

Move Heaven and Earth--tree in front of lakeHave you had people move heaven and earth to help you? They do everything in their power to provide what you need. I have, and I am eternally grateful for their assistance.

In a crisis, I called a friend. She stopped what she was doing and cancelled her plans to come to my aid. Her friendship is the real McCoy.

To move heaven and earth means to do everything possible to make something happen.

We resolve to do all we can to:

  • Help someone else.
  • Achieve what we desire.
  • Accomplish a goal.

In spite of challenges, we reach for the sky. We try to make the impossible possible.

Move heaven and earth implies commitment.


  • Dedicate ourselves to a purpose.
  • Give our best effort.
  • Have no plan to quit.

Such commitment requires hard work.

Ordinary efforts are not enough. We strive for the extraordinary.

The Creator of heaven and earth set the example for us.

God loves us and offers life in heaven when we leave this earth. May we do all in our power to tell others of Jesus’ sacrificial gift to make that possible.

“May you be blessed by the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth” (Psalm 115:15 NIV).

Thanks to Scott Tice for the suggestion.

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Set Your Face Like Flint

Set Your Face Like Flint

Set Your Face Like Flint--water lapping against rocksDo you occasionally face tasks that seem impossible? Yet, you refuse to quit? Instead, you set your face like flint and finish the job before you?

Flint is a hard, dark rock.

It was often used in earlier times to make tools and start fires. Flint also makes strong stone walls.

To set your face like flint means to be determined.

When you face difficulties, you refuse to give up. Instead, you:

  • Focus on the task before you.
  • Dedicate yourself to its completion.

The prophet Isaiah described the Messiah, Jesus, as having “set my face like flint.”

Isaiah tells of Jesus’ determination to complete the role of a suffering servant. Jesus sacrificed His life on a cross to make eternal life possible for all who accept His gift.

You can follow Jesus’ example.

Life gets hard. Many tasks are tough. However, with God’s help, you can endure. You can keep on keeping on. You can also make a positive difference in an often negative world.

“Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore have I set my face like flint, and I know I will not be put to shame” (Isaiah 50:7 NIV).

Thanks to Linda Russell for the suggestion. Image by Wesley Rocha from Pixabay

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