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Salt in a Wound

Salt in a Wound

Salt in a Wound -container of saltYears ago, people treated many medical emergencies at home. One common remedy was to pour or rub salt in a wound. That solution often caused more pain than the original problem.

Salt in a wound hurts.

 Although salt (or saltwater) helps heal or sooth certain conditions, it causes damage to others. Even if it helps, salt on an open sore stings.

To pour or rub salt in a wound means to make a bad situation worse.

 Our words or actions hurt rather than help.

  • A friend loses a contest, and we praise the winner.
  • Our neighbor’s boss fires him, and we brag about our promotion.
  • A relative’s wife leaves him, and we talk about her handsome boyfriend.

Whether deliberate or not, we increase the person’s hardship, shame, or sadness.

Rather than rub salt in a wound, let’s serve as salt of the earth.

 When other people feel down in the dumps, let’s lift them up. We have the privilege to share their sorrow as well as their joy.

“Being happy-go-lucky around a person whose heart is heavy is as bad as stealing his jacket in cold weather or rubbing salt in his wounds” (Proverbs 25:20 TLB).

Thanks to Pat Childress Conner Stapp for the suggestion. Image courtesy of  Pixabay.

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Salt of the Earth

Salt of the Earth

Salt of the Earth-Truck in front of Bonnieville Salt FlatsTo view salt of the earth, take a trip across Utah’s Bonnieville Salt Flats. I thought that solid white scene would last forever.

Such a long stretch of salt flats reminds me of salt’s many uses. Salt helps us:

  • Cook
  • Preserve
  • Clean
  • Remove stains

We also use salt mixtures as a:

  • Mouth rinse for sore throats
  • Spray for stuffy noses
  • Soak for pain relief
  • Beauty scrub

Salt can also cause problems, such as:

  • High blood pressure
  • Road and driveway damage (after using it to melt snow and ice)

Today we will focus on salt’s benefits.

To say people are salt of the earth is a compliment.

We mean they are:

Such people are worth their salt. We respect and trust them. They work hard and treat others well.

This expression comes from the Bible.

Jesus describes His followers as salt and light. Like salt and light, God created us to make our world a better place. However, if we fail to fulfill our purpose, we become worthless.

May we always flavor, preserve, protect, beautify, and heal our world, especially in these difficult times.

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot” (Matthew 5:13 NIV).

Thanks to Janna Babak for the suggestion.

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Worth One’s Salt

Worth One’s Salt

Worth One's Salt--saltshaker over a dish of saltMy friend Martha said her father described a few of her boyfriends as not worth the salt that went in their bread. He meant they were not worth much.

To be worth one’s salt means a person does a job well.

According to The Phrase Finder, “To be ‘worth one’s salt’ is to be worth one’s pay. Our word salary derives from the Latin salarium, (sal is the Latin word for salt).”

A person worth one’s salt earns respect because of good work. He or she gives a good day’s work for a good day’s pay rather than give a lick and a promise.

Salt adds flavor to food.

If not overdone, salt makes many foods taste better.

Salt also preserves food.

It helps prevent spoiling.

Like salt, people can add flavor to and help preserve the world.

Anyone makes the world a better place to live when he or she.

  • Does the best work possible
  • Takes care of God’s creation
  • Helps and respects others
  • Shares God’s love

“Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can you make it salty again? Have salt among yourselves, and be at peace with each other” (Mark 9:50 NIV).

Thanks to Martha Patton for the suggestion.

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