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Let the Cat Out of the Bag

Let the Cat Out of the Bag

Let the Cat Out of the Bag--cat in fabric looking out a windowIf we plan a surprise, we don’t want anyone to let the cat out of the bag.

To let the cat out of the bag means to disclose a secret.

We may reveal the secret:

  • Deliberately or by accident
  • With words or with actions

We often give enough hints that other people figure out what we mean.

The Phrase Finder lists two possible origins for let the cat out of the bag.

  1. The most common comes from merchants substituting a cat for a pig.

Methods differed, but scams occurred years ago. When people bought a pig, merchants might put a less valuable cat in the bag. Anyone who reported the deceit let the cat out of the bag. If no one told the truth, the buyer discovered the switch when he opened the bag at home.

A related idiom warns against buying a pig in a poke.

  1. A less common explanation refers to the cat o’ nine tails.

The cat o’ nine tails was a whip with lashes made from three braided strands of cord. The cords were three braided strands of string. Thus, each lash contained nine strings.

When people were whipped, the cuts from the knotted ends looked similar to cat claw scratches. Although lashes may have been stored in bags, this explanation fails to address secrets.

We need to be careful what we say.

Regardless of the origin, we want to:

  • Reveal what needs to be told.
  • Guard what needs to stay quiet.

“You spread out our sins before you—our secret sins—and see them all” (Psalm 90:8 TLB).

Thanks to Regina Graham and Tracy Crump for the suggestion and to Jeri Stone for the photo.

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Under Wraps

Under Wraps

Under Wraps--gifts under a Christmas treeDuring Christmas, we keep a lot of things under wraps. We hide gifts in closets and under beds. When no one is looking, we wrap our gifts with paper and bows. Once under the tree, everyone wants to know what those packages contain.

If we keep anything under wraps, we keep it a secret.

We don’t want others to know our information. Our secret usually lasts a short time. Examples, other than Christmas presents, include:

  • News reports
  • An engagement
  • Whether a baby will be a boy or girl

We don’t want others to know what is under wraps until the right time.

If people spill the beans, they ruin our plans. Therefore, we tell them to bite their tongues – to stay quiet.

Not everything we wrap is under wraps.

We want to share most good news.

The greatest gift came wrapped in strips of cloth.

When Jesus was born, angels announced His birth to shepherds. The shepherds found Jesus lying in a manger. Afterwards, they told others what they had heard and seen.

Let’s not keep the good news of Jesus under wraps.

Instead, let’s share with the world what the angels proclaimed.

“A Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger” (Luke 2:11-12 NIV).

Thanks to Joy S. Taylor for the suggestion.

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Spill the Beans

Spill the Beans

Spill the Beans--glass jar with lid off and beans spilling outMost of us know people who cannot keep a secret. They always find a way to spill the beans.

Although they act surprised after they tell what they know, they never fail to share it. Then, they ask us not to tell anyone else.

The origin of this expression is uncertain.

One possible explanation comes from an ancient voting practice of placing different colored beans in pots or jars. No one was supposed to spill the beans until the proper time.

People may spill the beans on purpose.

Telling private information can cause great harm. Words often hurt.

People may also spill the beans by mistake.

Although they don’t intend to reveal the information, it can still hurt.

Not all secrets hurt when told.

Examples include:

  • Plans for a surprise party
  • The contents of a gift
  • Whether an unborn baby is a boy or girl

Some secrets should be told.

  • Abuse
  • Crimes
  • Evil plans

Busybodies need to bite their tongues. However, everyone needs to speak up to right wrongs.

“Watch your words and hold your tongue; you’ll save yourself a lot of grief” (Proverbs 21:23 MSG).

 Thanks to Regina Graham for the suggestion.

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