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Sleep Like a Log

Sleep Like a Log


Sleep Like a Log--large log with branches still attached before a tall treeI rise early most mornings. However, caregiving, especially getting up several times a night, occasionally wears me down. If I become extremely tired and have few interruptions, I sleep like a log.

Recently, after days of meeting myself coming and going, I slept almost two hours past my usual wakeup. I felt wonderful! A good night’s sleep solves a lot of life’s woes!

To sleep like a log means a deep, restful sleep.

Similar expressions include sleep like a:

  • Baby
  • Top
  • Rock

All mean to sleep:

  • Well
  • Soundly
  • Without waking

To sleep like a log can be dangerous.

Although we want to sleep soundly, we can overdo it. A friend in college slept so well that other people in his dorm had to wake him when his alarm went off. I once slept through a tornado warning. Someone finally realized I was missing and woke me.

Several steps help achieve a good night’s rest.

  • Go to bed and get up about the same time every day.
  • Keep the room free of distractions.
  • Maintain a regular pre-sleep routine.
  • Eliminate screen time an hour or more before going to bed.

God gave us the gift of sleep. Let’s make the most of it.

“In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety” (Psalm 4:8 NIV).

Thanks to Joanne Viola for the suggestion.

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Put to Bed

Put to Bed

Put to Bed--sleeping puppy on a hand-made cherry bedFollowing baths, brushed teeth, prayers, and other routines, children are put to bed every night.

Some of us also put our pets to bed. This puppy receives lots of love and care from its owner. A hand-made cherry bed waits anytime puppy needs a nap. Not a typical dog’s life.

We understand the literal meaning of put to bed.

People and animals need sleep. Going to bed may be voluntary or it may be required. Sometimes it serves as punishment for bad behavior.

It also means to stop discussing or arguing about an issue.

Whether we agree or disagree, we drop the subject. We let sleeping dogs lie.

It often means to complete all or part of an activity.

Final preparation begins or is already finished.

It’s a common saying for newspapers and other printing and means no more edits. Papers or books are ready to print.

The most important decision to put to bed is our eternal destination.

 We don’t want to leave our relationship with Jesus up in the air. At the end of the day, nothing matters more.

“Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything” (James 1:4 NIV).

Thanks to J.D. Wininger for the suggestion and to Ina Ree Pickett for the photo.

Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.

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Play Possum

Play Possum

Play Possum--possum with 3 babies on her back on a tree limb

Many of us tried to play possum when we were children. We wanted to stay in bed when our parents said to get up. We kept our eyes closed and remained as still as possible.

We often display similar behaviors as adults. Some days we simply don’t want to rise and shine.

When opossums (or possums) feel threatened, they pretend to be dead.

They try to avoid attack by lying still. Their goal is for the other animals to leave them alone. Apparently, that defense works well.

When faced with danger:

  • They don’t fight.
  • They don’t run.
  • They play dead.

To play possum means to pretend to be dead or asleep.

It may also mean to pretend not to know. We want to avoid a person or situation. We don’t want to:

  • Wake up
  • Get up
  • Work
  • Accept responsibility

Like the possum, we hope the threat to our rest loses interest and goes away.

The time comes to stop playing possum and get to work.

 We need and enjoy rest and play. Yet, for the best life, we also put our hand to the plow and meet our responsibilities.

“How long will you lie there, you sluggard? When will you get up from your sleep?” (Proverbs 6:9 NIV).

Thanks to Carole Fite for the suggestion.

Image by daynaw3990 from Pixabay

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Hit the Hay

Hit the Hay

Hit the Hay, morgueFileYears ago, people made mattresses from sacks stuffed with hay or straw. When it was time to go to bed, they would say:

  • “It’s time to hit the hay.”
  • “It’s time to hit the sack.”

My parents expected us to rise and shine early in the morning. They also wanted us to hit the hay early in the evening. They believed we needed a good night’s sleep to do our best. It prepared us for the next day’s plans.

  • A test
  • A long trip
  • A hard day’s work

Therefore, we received at least eight hours of sleep. We awoke rested and ready for that day’s tasks. Medical evidence supports the wisdom of this habit.

Unfortunately, many of us ignore sleep’s importance. We stay too busy. We fill our lives with too much activity.

  • School
  • Work
  • Clubs
  • Sports
  • Television
  • Internet

We have to do part of these. Many we choose instead of sleep. Think what we could gain from less activity and more rest. Try it.

  • Turn off the noise.
  • Let muscles relax and eyes close.
  • Enjoy the peace and quiet.

We might be surprised how much better we feel, think, and act.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28 NIV).

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Photo courtesy of morgueFile.