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Tag: softball

On the Ball

On the Ball

On the Ball-girl softball player at batWhen I played softball, both my coach and my husband reminded me to keep my eye on the ball. Whether batting or playing third base, I needed to focus on the ball.

As my husband said, “You can’t hit it if you don’t see it.” He also reminded me, “You can’t throw it if you don’t catch it.”

On the ball means to stay alert.

It applies to all of life.

If I remain on the ball, I:

  • Pay attention
  • Learn all I can
  • Do what needs to be done

On the ball also means skillful.

I was never the best player. I tried hard and did my best. However, other players were more skillful. They knew how to get the ball rolling in a game.


  • Understood the game better
  • Moved faster
  • Had more success

Many times, when they swung for the fences, they hit a home run.

Nevertheless, I

  • Had a great time
  • Met new friends
  • Made many memories

God gives new opportunities to stay on the ball every day. Like everyone, I choose whether to accept them.

“Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people” (Ephesians 6:18 NIV).

Thanks to Carole Fite for the suggestion and to Richard Robards for the photo.

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Swing for the Fences

Swing for the Fences

Swing for the Fences--softball playing hitting a ballI always wanted to hit a ball over the fence when I played softball. I never did. No matter how hard I would swing for the fences, I could not do it.

A few of my teammates hit balls over the fence with no problem. I could run fast, but I could not hit hard. However, I never stopped trying.

To swing for the fences means to swing as hard as possible.

  • Ballplayers hope for a home run.
  • Businesses aim for great success.
  • Individuals focus on one main goal

To swing for the fences involves great risk.

  • Ball players risk missing the ball and striking out.
  • Businesses risk losing everything.
  • Individuals chance serious loss.

The win is not always worth the risk.

A careful swing that hits the ball beats a hard swing that misses. Likewise, taking time to make the best decision beats a get-rich-quick scheme that fails. Too many people go out on a limb with no easy way back.

Never risk relationships.

Swinging for the fences is not worth losing:

  • Marriage
  • Children
  • Friends
  • Reputation

Weigh the costs. Swing for the fences when it will hurt no one. Swing softly to keep relationships from getting off base.

“It is fine to be zealous, provided the purpose is good” (Galatians 4:18 NIV).

Thanks to Larry Alston for the suggestion and to Richard Robards for the photo.

Subscribe to receive my weekly posts by email and receive a free copy of “Words of Hope for Days that Hurt.”

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