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Like a Broken Record

Like a Broken Record

Like a broken record--an open record playerFor young people unfamiliar with vintage audio, saying someone sounds like a broken record fails to compute. Many can’t relate to a record player needle landing on a scratched vinyl record—a sound definitely not music to our ears.

  • The needle gets stuck in a record groove.
  • The same line plays over and over again.
  • We must manually correct our broken record before the music proceeds.

How like those records we sound when we constantly beg for something. We may rephrase our requests, but the sound comes out the same — nag, nag, nag. I want it. I want it. I want it. Did you hear me? I want it!

We may receive our request, just so we will shut up and go away. Granted, the squeaky wheel gets the oil. Yet we also know that most people try to avoid that squeaky wheel.

Many of us could benefit from a little assertiveness training. We don’t want to sit back, never sharing our needs.  At the same time, we don’t want to annoy people until we drive them away.

Speak well. Speak clearly. Know when to stop repeating.

“Much dreaming and many words are meaningless. Therefore fear God” (Ecclesiastes 5:7 NIV).

Thanks to Karen Hart for the suggestion.

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Cat Got Your Tongue?

Cat Got Your Tongue?

Cat Got Your Tongue--cat with tongue out and paw up“What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?” I have heard several older relatives ask this, especially to children. Sometimes the children were shy. Other times, little ones feared a truthful answer would get them in trouble.

Rarely have I heard the full question, “Has the cat got your tongue?”

Many people wonder what cats have to do with people not talking. Although a few ideas exist for this expression’s origin, none can be proved.

People usually ask, “Cat got your tongue?” if they think people should be talking.

They may ask the question for fun. Other times, they ask with anger or impatience.

Sometimes we should stay quiet.

We never want to put our foot in our mouth. Better to bite our tongue than speak hurtful or foolish words.

Other times, we should speak.

Whether easy or hard to say, we need to speak up if we know our words will:

  • Improve a situation
  • Help other people
  • Spread love rather than hate

Whatever we say, may we always speak from loving hearts of gold.

“Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from telling lies.” (Psalm 34:13 NIV).

Thanks to Ann Maniscalco for the suggestion and to Jacqueline Graves for the photo.

Do you have an expression you want explained? If so, please comment below.

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Save Your Breath

Save Your Breath

Save Your Breath-two little boysSometimes you need to save your breath.

You know that no one will listen to what you say.

  • Talking will do no good.
  • Explaining will not help.
  • Arguing will probably make things worse.

A person not listening to you can be a good thing.

  • You may not have anything useful to say.
  • Your ideas may be wrong.
  • You don’t like to admit it, but you don’t always have the right answers.

A person not listening to you can also be a bad thing.

Most of the time, a person will listen.

That person may not like what you have to say. However, he or she will listen. Therefore:

“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord” (Psalm 150:6 NIV).

Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.

Subscribe to receive my weekly posts by email and receive a free copy of “Words of Hope for Days that Hurt.”

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Thanks to Joy Hamilton Hale and Mackenzie Smith for the cute photo.