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Scarce as Hens’ Teeth

Scarce as Hens’ Teeth

Scarce as Hens' Teeth--a rooster followed by a row of ducksThis photo, with lots of ducks and a rooster, has no hens. Hens are as scarce as hens’ teeth here.

Scarce as hens’ teeth means very scarce.

What we seek is:

  • Rare
  • Impossible or almost impossible to find

We seldom find a:

  • Mud puddle in the desert
  • Polar bear in Kentucky
  • Pessimist at an optimists’ meeting

Hens have no teeth.

That fact emphasizes how scarce an item can be. Finding what we want is like looking for a needle in a haystack. However, as with mud puddles in the desert, we may find them once in a blue moon.

We often give greater value to scarce items.

Supply and demand teach that demand (and prices) go up when supply goes down. We see that with:

  • One-of-a-kind art
  • Antiques
  • Limited editions of anything

Truth frequently feels as scarce as hens’ teeth.

Everywhere we turn, we find people trying to deceive us. Scams appear:

  • On our phones
  • In the mail
  • During business deals

Such occurrences make us mad as a wet hen.

Occasionally, we wonder if truth exists anymore.

However, one truth never fails.

God, who is truth, offers each of us grace and truth through the gift of Jesus. Hang on to that truth and never let go.

 “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14 NIV).

Thanks to Emily Akin for the suggestion.

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Happy-Go-Lucky baby and child on tree swingsChildren on swings usually look and sound happy-go-lucky.

However, like those swings, most of us have our ups and downs. Circumstances often dictate whether we feel:

  • Happy
  • Sad
  • Lonely
  • Mad
  • Scared

Yet, a few people remain happy-go-lucky regardless of their situations. Little, if anything, gets them down.

Happy-go-lucky means always happy.

Such people’s moods remain cheery and good natured. Life never seems to trouble them. They stay happy as a lark and worry free.

Happy-go-lucky people dwell on the positives.

Although they don’t deny negative experiences, they remain optimistic. They treat problems like water off a duck’s back by shaking off any negative reactions.

We may not always feel happy, but we can always experience joy.

God offers each of us the joy of a relationship with Jesus as Savior and Lord. For many people in the world, that decision leads to persecution and/or death. In spite of the dangers, they continue to share their joy with others. True joy makes that great a difference.

“In all our troubles my joy knows no bounds.” (2 Corinthians 7:4 NIV.)

Thanks to Brad Leverett for the suggestion and to Darrin Jenkins for the photo.

Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.

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