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Pep Talk

Pep Talk

Pep Talk--CheerleaderWe encourage with our actions. We also encourage when we listen. One of our greatest methods of encouragement is with our words. A pep talk works wonders.

When we land down in the dumps, we need a good pick-me-up.

A pep talk encourages or builds confidence.

We see this during sports events. Coaches gather their teams around them and rouse them to:

  • Get back in the game.
  • Do their best.
  • Never give up.
  • Win, win, win!

Cheerleaders lead fans to cheer their teams to victory. Schools or teams hold pep rallies to prepare for big games.

Pep talks occur in more than sports.

  • Parents encourage children.
  • Teachers inspire students.
  • Friends support one another.
  • Churches nurture members and the world around them.

Everyone needs encouragement.

Hard times come. That’s life. We can’t encourage everyone. That’s reality. Yet, we can urge those around us to keep on keeping on. That’s hope.

“Encourage one another daily, as long as it is called ‘Today,’ so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness” (Hebrews 3:13 NIV).

Thanks to Joyce Cordell for the suggestion and to Parker Davis for the photo.

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Start from Scratch

Start from Scratch

Start from Scratch--hand on biscuit dough, with rolling pin and sifterMy mother and grandmothers made the best homemade biscuits. Instead of store bought, they would always start from scratch.

To start from scratch means to start from nothing.

  • Begin at the beginning.
  • Take no shortcuts.

Start from Scratch--cutting out biscuitsFrom-scratch cooks would never bake:

  • Biscuits from a box
  • Cake from a mix
  • Meat from a can

Instead, they began with basic ingredients like flour, sugar, and shortening. Made-from-scratch food makes a mouth-watering difference. It tastes so much better.

However, my mom did use mixes part-time as she grew older.

Start from scratch began as a sports phrase.

Someone would scratch a starting line on the ground for a race to begin. A runner would toe the mark in order to begin at the beginning. According to The Phrase Finder, people have used this expression since the 18th century.

Start from scratch now relates to most activities. For example, in the business world, it refers to a person who begins a new project.

As the New Year approaches, look for new opportunities.

Start from Scratch--ready-to-bake biscuits in a skillet Whether you continue with the old or start with new, I pray all your plans go well. I also hope you enjoy a few made-from-scratch biscuits.

Happy New Year!

“May [the Lord] give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed” (Psalm 20:4 NIV).

Thanks to Beckham Wilson for the suggestion and to Jeri Stone for the photos.

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Jump the Gun

Jump the Gun

Jump the Gun--runners at a starting line

In the past, a gun fired as a signal to start many sports contests. Runners occasionally became so excited, they would jump the gun. They started running before their races began.

To jump the gun means to begin before the right time.

Like athletes, we occasionally jump the gun in life. We act too quickly.

Rather than wait until everything is ready, we start too soon. Our actions are not:

  • Appropriate
  • Wise
  • Approved

Patience is hard to practice.

 Yet, we need it. Instead of getting in too big a hurry, we want to toe the mark. Better to follow the guidelines than ruin our chances of getting where we want to go.

When tempted to bypass the rules, let’s hold our horses.

Plan to go when it’s time to go but wait when it’s time to wait.

“Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord” (Psalm 27:14 NIV).

Thanks to Melissa Bright for the suggestion. Image by Vlad Vasnetsov from Pixabay.

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Nail It

Nail It

Cross in center of paper, nailed to a rough piece of woodDuring the Olympics and other sporting events, athletes want to nail it.

  • Skaters desire a perfect balance of style, strength, and difficulty.
  • Swimmers want to remain in their lanes and reach the wall first.
  • Runners pull out all the stops to cross the finish line before anyone else.

To nail it is to do a job well.

People succeed. They complete accurate work or present an almost perfect performance. They hit the nail on the head.

Jesus nailed our sins to the cross.

Although soldiers hung Him there, Jesus gave His life freely.

Jesus lived a perfect life and died the perfect sacrifice for our sins. His resurrection on the third day was the final nail of victory over sin and death.

We nail our part in God’s perfect plan when we accept Jesus’ offer of salvation.  

We cannot earn our way to heaven. However, Jesus prepared the way for us. He nailed our salvation.

At Easter and always, we celebrate and tell others of the fresh start possible through Jesus’ perfect gift.

“[God] forgave us all our sins, having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross” (Colossians 2:13-14).

Thanks to Debbie Tapscott for the suggestion. Image by congerdesign from Pixabay.

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