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Tag: strength

Bury the Hatchet

Bury the Hatchet

Bury the Hatchet--a hatchet surrounded by pieces of woodHow I wish our world would learn to bury the hatchet. Divisions occur everywhere.

People have always disagreed, and that’s okay. However, why not learn to disagree agreeably? Instead, we:

  • Hate
  • Argue
  • Gossip
  • Fight

We war against one another with words and actions.

This happens among:

  • Family members
  • Friends
  • Neighbors
  • Cities
  • States
  • Countries

Bury the hatchet originated as a Native American tradition.

According to The Phrase Finder, “Hatchets were buried by the chiefs of tribes when they came to a peace agreement.” What a powerful symbol.

We can bury the hatchet too.

When we recognize destructive speech or behavior, we have a choice. We can follow the same pattern, or we can break the cycle.

Peace requires strength.

To choose not to harm another person or group of people calls for courage. If someone hurts us, our natural reaction is to hurt them. We are ready to lock horns. Yet, two wrongs don’t make a right. Suffering continues on both sides.

Jesus taught and lived love and forgiveness for everyone. Although not easy, that remains the only way to true and lasting peace.

“Consider the blameless, observe the upright; a future awaits those who seek peace” (Psalm 37:37 NIV).

Thanks to Ann Knowles for the suggestion. Image by Davie Bicker from Pixabay.

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High Cotton

High Cotton

High Cotton-cotton plant beneath blue skyWhether we know it or not, we probably wish we were in high cotton.

During the height of cotton’s growing season, fluffy fields of white appear throughout the southern United States. Growers hope for a successful crop.

When we achieve success, we are in high cotton.

  • Businesses earn a high profit.
  • Students make good grades.
  • Families enjoy the perfect home.
  • Children receive their favorite toys.

High cotton does not give us the right to act high and mighty.

Success does not make us any better or worse than anyone else. With an attitude of gratitude, we use our success to help other people succeed. Rather than a big head, we develop a big heart.

We want to bear fruit that makes a lasting impact.

We have only a few years on this earth. What we do with them makes an eternal difference.

Wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things. In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all (1 Chronicles 29:12 NIV).

Thanks to James E. Hodges for the suggestion. Image by Clayton Decker from Pixabay.

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Stand Tall

Stand Tall

Stand TallThe Redwood Forests of northern California never cease to amaze me. Standing at the base of the world’s tallest trees, people appear small and insignificant.

Like soldiers with their shoulders back and heads high, the redwoods stand tall and brave.

Their pasts include attacks from animals, weather, and people. Like all of nature, they face an unknown future. Yet they stand tall.

So can we.

Regardless of our size or struggles. God created each of us for a special purpose.

Therefore, we can stand tall, not in our own strength but in God’s strength.

Each redwood began as a tiny seed.

Each had an uphill battle to survive. Life can’t be easy for them. Yet, facing hardships makes them stronger.

Likewise, standing tall and courageous does not mean we never have problems or we’re never afraid. It does mean we:

  • Face our fears and grow stronger.
  • Learn from our struggles and grow wiser.
  • Accept our limits and grow humble.
  • Support one another and grow closer.

Whatever comes our way, we can stand tall, knowing, with God’s help, we never stand alone.

“Do not be afraid. Stand firm” (Exodus 14:13 NIV).

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