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Tag: superior attitude

Goody Two-shoes

Goody Two-shoes

Goody Two-shoes--legs and feet of a little girl and boy on a couch with a dog between themWe discover a big difference between a good person and a goody two-shoes. The first wants to live a respectable, moral life. The second acts self-righteous with a holier-than-thou attitude.

A goody two-shoes tries to act better than everyone else.

However, that behavior comes from a self-serving motive. The person, also called a goody-goody, follows laws or rules more from pride or self-interest than beliefs. That often results in getting someone else in trouble.

Goody two-shoes people have existed since ancient times.

Jesus taught the importance of hearts made right with God rather than rituals of righteousness. People can follow the law but still hurt others. If their only concern is themselves, they have missed God’s message of love and forgiveness.

Instead of a focus on self, Jesus taught and lived to:

  • Go beyond laws and customs – to go the second mile.
  • Live humbly.
  • Love and forgive.
  • Help others.

Remain honest – a genuinely good person, not a goody two-shoes.

“Put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness” (Ephesians 4:24 NIV).

Thank you to Cynthia Shoemaker for the suggestion. Photo courtesy of Pexels with Pixabay.

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Stuck Up

Stuck Up

Stuck Up--Squirrel on top of bird feederI caught this little squirrel where he should not be, doing what he should not do. The feeder was for birds, not squirrels. Yet, there he sat, stuck up and daring me to do anything about it.

Squirrels apparently believe rules about bird feeders don’t apply to them. They ignore such restrictions. They focus on what they want and do whatever it takes to get it:

  • Climb poles
  • Hang from limbs
  • Turn upside down

If it benefits them, who cares about the birds?

Many people exhibit a similar attitude.

Stuck up people feel proud or superior.


  • Have a big head
  • Look down on others
  • Feel overconfident
  • Act conceited

Stuck up people’s egos rule their actions.

 Because they believe they are better than anyone else, they:

  • Use people to get what they want
  • Mistreat people
  • Work only to benefit themselves

Hardly anyone likes such rude, highfalutin ways.

Stuck up people’s behavior often leads to trouble.

Many get caught where they should not be, doing what they should not do.

All people have worth.

No one is more or less important than anyone else. No one has any good reason to act arrogant –  too big for their britches.

God offers a better way.

  • Love one another.
  • Respect one another.
  • Care for one another, regardless of status.

“Don’t be stuck-up and think you’re better than everyone else” (Proverbs 30:13 MSG).

Thanks to Betty C. Johnson for the suggestion and to Jenny Kuo for the photo.

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Act High and Mighty

Act High and Mighty

Act High and Mighty--mountainsSome people think they are better than others.

Those who act high and mighty:

  • Appear proud and powerful
  • Want others to admire them
  • Believe they are more important than others
  • Act the opposite of humble, down-to-earth people.

People who act high and mighty have become too big for their britches.

They fail to treat everyone with respect.

No one is more or less important than anyone else. Different positions do not equal different worth.

The high and mighty don’t remain there forever.

Mountains change. People change.

The tallest mountains slowly erode. Rain, wind, animals, and people wear away the dirt and rocks. Time also changes the positions people fill.

God alone is eternally high and mighty.

God is God. People are not. Only God deserves our highest honor.

“Who is like you, Lord God Almighty? You, Lord, are mighty, and your faithfulness surrounds you” (Psalm 89:8 NIV)

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