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Well Butter my Backside and Call Me A Biscuit!

Well Butter my Backside and Call Me A Biscuit!

Well Butter My Backside and Call Me a Biscuit--headshot of Tammy WhitehurstPlease welcome my guest writer, Tammy Whitehurst. I met Tammy at the Kentucky Christian Writers Conference. Fast-paced. Funny. Down to earth. Relatable. Tammy is a “hoot with a capital H!” From hilariously funny to seriously faith-filled, Tammy has been featured in Lifeway magazines, Christianity Today and other publications. She has spoken for Moody and Salem Radio Broadcasting. However, to those who know her best, she is simply Davis’s wife, an empty nest mom, and a former middle school teacher. She struggles like the rest of us with dust, dishes, cellulite, junk drawers, and wrinkles. Find out more at

Well butter my backside and call me a biscuit!

If we need a positive expression when good news takes us by surprise, this one takes the cake.

Oh, the joy of being surprised unexpectedly!

  • Well Butter My Backside and Call Me a Biscuit--biscuits on a platePerhaps the door swings open and someone we love dearly stands there.
  • Maybe an answered prayer that seemed impossible.
  • When someone pays for our meal out of the blue.
  • Or a text from someone we haven’t heard from in years.

In the South a grin would emerge that would be almost impossible to wipe away and we would say, “Well butter my backside and call me a biscuit!”

Whether we are southern as “all git out” or “suddenly southern” due to a move or vacation, one thing is for sure…. learning southern slang is crucial.

When the trials and tribulations of life have us up against the Red Sea….

God parted it for Moses so the Israelites could pass through (Exodus 14). He can part it for us as well. God can and does exceed our expectations.

Expect the unexpected.

Ephesians 3:20 (NIV) says, “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.”

Thanks to Jeri Stone for the biscuits photo.

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Let the Cat Out of the Bag

Let the Cat Out of the Bag

Let the Cat Out of the Bag--cat in fabric looking out a windowIf we plan a surprise, we don’t want anyone to let the cat out of the bag.

To let the cat out of the bag means to disclose a secret.

We may reveal the secret:

  • Deliberately or by accident
  • With words or with actions

We often give enough hints that other people figure out what we mean.

The Phrase Finder lists two possible origins for let the cat out of the bag.

  1. The most common comes from merchants substituting a cat for a pig.

Methods differed, but scams occurred years ago. When people bought a pig, merchants might put a less valuable cat in the bag. Anyone who reported the deceit let the cat out of the bag. If no one told the truth, the buyer discovered the switch when he opened the bag at home.

A related idiom warns against buying a pig in a poke.

  1. A less common explanation refers to the cat o’ nine tails.

The cat o’ nine tails was a whip with lashes made from three braided strands of cord. The cords were three braided strands of string. Thus, each lash contained nine strings.

When people were whipped, the cuts from the knotted ends looked similar to cat claw scratches. Although lashes may have been stored in bags, this explanation fails to address secrets.

We need to be careful what we say.

Regardless of the origin, we want to:

  • Reveal what needs to be told.
  • Guard what needs to stay quiet.

“You spread out our sins before you—our secret sins—and see them all” (Psalm 90:8 TLB).

Thanks to Regina Graham and Tracy Crump for the suggestion and to Jeri Stone for the photo.

Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.

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Gobsmacked--Pacific Ocean-Hwy 101-Arch Rock The first time I saw the ocean, I was gobsmacked. My jaw dropped. My eyes popped. All my senses went on overload. Never had I experienced such awe.

The beauty and majesty of God’s creation left me breathless. I did not want to move. I felt like I could stay there forever.

Similar reactions occurred at Yellowstone and other parts of our world.

Gobsmacked means “overwhelmed with wonder, surprise, or shock.”

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, it is primarily a slang British expression.

Gob can mean mouth. According to the Macmillan Dictionary blog, gobsmacked is “the kind of shock you would feel if you were suddenly hit in the face…. Clapping a hand to your mouth … is a less violent interpretation.” The shock leaves you speechless.

Causes for gobsmacked reactions may be good or bad.

Not every surprise or shock feels pleasant. That’s life with all its ups and downs.

Under God’s leadership, we survive and thrive whatever the experience.

Whether gobsmacked from good or bad, God offers joy, hope, and purpose.

I pray you enjoy a glorious gobsmacked day.

The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders; where morning dawns, where evening fades, you call forth songs of joy (Psalm 65:8 NIV).

Thanks to Pat Childress Conner Stapp for the suggestion.

Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.

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Throw for a Loop

Throw for a Loop

Throw for a Loop--roller coaster with loopsMy husband used to surprise me on a regular basis. One of his surprises literally threw me for a loop.

We visited an amusement park with friends. I was not a big roller coaster fan and usually preferred kiddie rides. However, he finally talked me into trying a bigger one.

The closer we walked toward the roller coaster, the more concerned I became.

My reaction: “That thing goes upside down!”

His response: A laugh and “It just looks that way.” He held onto my arm to keep me in line.

When we sat down and the safety bar locked in front of us, he offered to hold my hand. Both of my hands gripped the bar. I gave him an unmistakable, “No!”

Of course, the coaster did make loops. I promised myself if I ever got off that thing, I would never ride it again. And I have not.

Throw for a loop (or knock for a loop) means to shock or surprise.

 We may be confused. Someone does something totally unexpected.

Throw for a loop may involve a pleasant surprise such as a:

  • Marriage or pregnancy announcement
  • Special activity with family
  • Gift for an extended vacation

It may also involve an unpleasant shock such as:

  • Job loss
  • Health crisis
  • Divorce
  • Death

Life may throw us for a loop, but a relationship with God keeps us secure.

Whether we are on top of the world or in the pits, God remains with us. God does not always remove negative circumstances. Yet, we can keep on keeping on because of God’s peace, joy, and comfort. Hope holds secure.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27 NIV).

Thanks to Janna Babak for the suggestion. Image by Paul Brennan from Pixabay.

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Upon My Word of Honor

Upon My Word of Honor

Upon My Word of Honor--2 older women dressed up with pursesWhen anything shocked my grandmother and her sister, they often declared, “Upon my word of honor!” Occasionally they shortened it to “Pon my word of honor!” or simply “My word!”

Sometimes their surprise came from love or admiration. Both enjoyed and grew flowers. An amazing new discovery led to clapped hands and words of approval.

Other times the same words expressed their disapproval. Unruly children might lead to, “Upon my word of honor! I can’t believe their parents let them get away with that.”

Upon my word of honor has two main meanings.

 My grandmother and great-aunt demonstrated one.

1. It expresses shock or surprise.

People can’t believe what they see or hear. It amazes them.

2. Upon my word of honor is also an oath or vow.

People promise or pledge to do something. That may be a formal pledge like an oath of office. It may also be an informal promise between friends or acquaintances. They mean they will do what they say. They vow they are telling the truth.

Why not always live an honest life rather than make promises?

If people know someone is as good as their word, they will not question what that person says or does. They trust them.

“Say just a simple ‘Yes, I will’ or ‘No, I won’t.’ Your word is enough. To strengthen your promise with a vow shows that something is wrong. (Matthew 5:37 TLB).

Thanks to Jason Smith (and his Aunt Beulah who used this expression) for the suggestion.

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Deer in the Headlights

Deer in the Headlights

Deer in the Headlights-deer on a foggy road In our garden spot of the world, we have to watch for deer in the headlights. We have several trees on one side of the road and farm fields on the other. Although beautiful and fun to watch, deer cause many accidents.

Deer in the headlights freeze in the middle of the road.

Both cars and the people in them suffer damage if they fail to stop in time. Therefore, we drive slower in certain areas.

If we act like deer in the headlights, we also freeze in place.

Causes include:

  • Fear
  • Surprise
  • Confusion
  • Strong emotions

We might:

  • Get caught red-handed
  • Experience unexpected and overwhelming responsibilities
  • Face decisions with no easy answers
  • Receive news of a birth, marriage, death, or other major family event

Although we freeze at times, unsure what to do, we don’t have to face the future alone.

God offers guidance and hope, whatever our situation.

“Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord” (Psalm 31:24 NIV).

Thanks to Carole Fite for the suggestion. Image by enriquelopezgarre from Pixabay

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