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Tag: too busy

Hands Are Tied

Hands Are Tied

Hands Are Tied--rope tied around wristsMost of us experience times we want to do something but can’t. Our hands are tied. Reasons include:

  • We are too busy.
  • Our boss does not allow it.
  • We lack necessary resources.
  • The law or other rules prevent it.

If our hands are tied, we are not free to act.

Like a prisoner, circumstances limit us. Although we want to make a change or help someone, we can’t.

Occasionally we say our hands are tied as an excuse.

We don’t want to do something. Yet, we say, “I can’t” rather than “I don’t want to.” Most people recognize such dishonesty immediately, or they learn about it later. Better to stay as good as our word and speak only the truth.

Many times, we give up too soon.

We try on our own and fall flat. If we pray, God may open new possibilities. The impossible becomes possible with God.

Make a difference when we can. Seek help when we can’t.

 Everyone can make a positive difference. Rarely are our hands tied.

With God’s help and the help of other people, we can make our world a better place.

“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need” Hebrews 4:16 NIV).

Thanks to Patty Cooper Emerson for the suggestion.

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Give of Ourselves

Give of Ourselves

Give of Ourselves--child in Christmas boxOften the greatest gift we can give is ourselves.

To give of ourselves, we:

  • Give time
  • Show concern
  • Help others

During Christmas, we wrap gifts with paper and bows.

We buy:

  • Toys and games
  • Clothing
  • Books
  • Gift cards
  • Tools
  • Jewelry
  • Household items

We think we must:

  • Bake and make crafts
  • Shop until we drop
  • Attend parties and special events.

Yet, too often, we forget what matters most.

We get so busy giving things, we forget to give of ourselves. We

  • Neglect family
  • Have no time for friends
  • Do less than our best at work

What happened?

Isn’t the gift of self what Christmas is all about?

Jesus came as a baby to give Himself to the world. He died on the cross for the sins of the world. He offers the gift of eternal life to everyone. However, each person must choose to accept this greatest gift.

“I pray that as you share your faith with others it will grip their lives too, as they see the wealth of good things in you that come from Christ Jesus” (Philemon 6 TLB).

What is the greatest gift you ever received? Please comment.

Subscribe to receive my weekly posts by email and receive a free copy of “Words of Hope for Days that Hurt.”

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Thanks to Ashley Claunch and Megan Wollmann for the photo.

Burn the Candle at Both Ends

Burn the Candle at Both Ends

We never want to burn the candle at both ends. Yet, sometimes we do.

Years ago, people needed candles for light. If they burned a candle at both ends, the candle could not stand. If they placed a candle flat to burn both ends:

  • The candle soon burned out.
  • People wasted much-needed light.

When we burn the candle at both ends, we get too busy. We work or play hard from early morning to late at night. We keep a full plate. We fail to get the rest and sleep we need.

Like candles burning at both ends, we wear out and waste our lives. We:

  • Lose energy.
  • Ruin our health.
  • Become unable to do what we want or need to do.

I admit I sometimes burn the candle at both ends. I have so much I want to do or believe I need to do. Yet, if I try to do too much, I can’t do anything well.

How about you? Are you tempted to burn the candle at both ends? If so, please comment how you handle it.

“Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you” (3 John 2 NIV).

Subscribe to receive my weekly posts by email and receive a free copy of “Words of Hope for Days that Hurt.”

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Thanks to Emily Akin for the suggestion.

Photo courtesy of morgueFile.