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Tag: too late

A Day Late and a Dollar Short

A Day Late and a Dollar Short

A Day Late and a Dollar Short--several dollar bills spread outAs a child, I often heard people say they were a day late and a dollar short. They usually meant they did not have enough money to buy something or pay a bill.

However, I learned the expression has a greater meaning.

A day late and a dollar short means to be unprepared and too late.

That can be money for purchases or bills, as I thought. It can also mean not enough effort in:

  • Relationships
  • Work
  • Personal goals

In each one, people fail to get the ball rolling. They dillydally when they need to get to work.

Lack of effort and failure to be on time benefit no one.

Everyone loses.

  • Family members who ignore one another threaten their relationships
  • Lazy workers hurt their employers and risk losing their jobs.
  • Anyone who invests little time or effort fails to achieve their best.

Prepare. Work well. Use time wisely.

A good plan for now and eternity, don’t you agree?

“Jesus replied, ‘My light will shine out for you just a little while longer. Walk in it while you can, and go where you want to go before the darkness falls, for then it will be too late for you to find your way’” (John 12:35 TLB).

Thanks to Emily Akin for the suggestion.

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Miss the Boat

Miss the Boat

Miss the Boat--river boatDid you ever miss the boat? I did, in more ways than one.

Years ago, I went to Minneapolis for training. One day I planned a late afternoon boat cruise. Our last speaker was great. I decided to buy one of his books and have him sign it.

Several people left before he finished his talk. I thought, How rude.

After I bought my book, I looked at my watch. Oh, no! I missed the boat. I failed to stay on my toes about the time. Others left early so they would not miss the boat.

Rather than cry over spilled milk, a friend and I took a self-guided city tour.

To miss the boat can have several meanings:

  • Be too late (as I was on my trip)
  • Fail to understand something
  • Make a mistake
  • Miss an opportunity

If we miss one boat, we can usually take another one.

  • If too late for one event, schedule another.
  • Ask someone to explain what we don’t understand.
  • Learn from mistakes and try again.
  • Look for new opportunities.

However, another boat is not always possible.

  • We may not be able to reschedule what we miss. (I did not have time for another cruise in Minneapolis.)
  • No one can understand everything.
  • Some mistakes will always cause problems.
  • We may never have a similar opportunity.

Therefore, let’s pay attention, learn well, and try not to miss the boat.

“Make the most of every opportunity” (Colossians 4:5 NIV).

Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.

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