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Cruising for a Bruising

Cruising for a Bruising

Cruising for a Bruising--wrecked car against a treeIf we drive a car too fast, we are cruising for a bruising. Possible results include:

  • A speeding ticket
  • A wreck
  • Injury or death

Cruising for a bruising means headed for trouble.

Our behavior works against us.

  • Parents, teachers, or others in authority punish us.
  • People we insult or bully injure us.
  • Natural or logical consequences cause temporary or permanent pain.

Cruising for a bruising hurts in several ways.

  • Physical: Actual bruises or other injuries to our bodies
  • Emotional: Conflicts or losses
  • Spiritual: Lack of or a poor relationship with God
  • Financial: Reduction or total loss of economic resources
  • Mental: Decreased abilities

Many people shorten this expression to cruisin for a bruisin.

However we say it, the meaning remains the same. We suffer the costs of the trouble we pursue. If we don’t straighten up and fly right, we must face the music.

God forgives when we repent of our misbehavior.

We receive a new beginning, a fresh start. However, we must choose. Do we want to keep cruising for a bruising or turn to Jesus for healing and eternal life?

“Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord” (Acts 3:19 NIV).

Thanks to Laura Leathers and the ladies in her Women on Mission group for the suggestion. Image by Rico Löb from Pixabay

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Hunker Down

Hunker Down

Hunker Down--Ocean storm with high wavesDuring recent storms, many of us had to hunker down in more than one way. We protected ourselves from the storms’ initial danger. Afterwards, we worked hard to recover from any damage.

The Free Dictionary gives four meanings for hunker down.

  1. “Literally to squat.” We bend our knees to lower ourselves.
  2. “To seek refuge.” We find shelter when dangers arise.
  3. “To work or begin to work … in a determined manner.” We clean up after a disaster or we study hard.
  4. “To stubbornly maintain some belief.” We refuse to compromise, change our mind, or admit when we make a mistake.

Although I have heard this expression used all four ways, I usually think of the second one. Similar to a ship’s crew that battens down the hatches, we prepare for a storm.

Storms occur in all areas of life.

  • Physical—Bad weather, health problems, or accidents
  • Mental—Illness, educational challenges, or overload
  • Emotional—Relationship issues, stress, or uncertainty
  • Spiritual—Persecution, false information, or poor choices

Whatever storm we face, we never have to hunker down alone.

If we turn to God, God remains with us. One of my favorite old gospel songs promises, “No, Never Alone.”

“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged” (Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV).

Which meaning of hunker down have you heard or used?

Thanks to Judy Glen Corbin for the suggestion. Image by Didier from Pixabay.

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At Loggerheads

At Loggerheads

At Loggerheads--loggerhead turtle on sandAt loggerheads has nothing to do with loggerhead turtles. Although we might enjoy finding the so-ugly-they-are-cute turtles, they give no insight into the idiom. Unless they fight.

At loggerheads means in conflict.

We disagree or argue and fail to resolve the problem. Probably one of the best-known examples of conflict between families is the Hatfield and McCoy feud.

Usually no one wins when at loggerheads.

As with the Hatfields and McCoys, strong disagreement often causes great suffering on both sides including violence or death.

In addition to families, quarrels or disputes occur among:

  • Friends
  • Co-workers
  • Countries
  • Organizations

The Free Dictionary gives two possible origins for the expression.

  1. “A ‘logger’ is a 16th-century term for a block of wood, so a ‘loggerhead’ is a blockhead or fool.”
  2. Loggerhead is also a late 1600s term for “a long-handled iron poker with a bulb-shaped end that was heated in the fire and used to melt pitch.” This “may have been alluded to as a weapon.”

Rather than remain at loggerheads, let’s seek solutions.

  • Compromise when possible.
  • Agree with the other person when we realize we are wrong.
  • Stand firm when necessary.
  • Follow Jesus’ example of self-giving love.

“Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs” (Proverbs 10:12 NIV).

Thanks to Sarah Burns Hampshire for the suggestion. Photo by Amy Farías with Pexels.

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All Hands on Deck

All Hands on Deck

All Hands on Deck--Sail ship during a night stormIf a ship requires help from the entire crew, it calls for all hands on deck. Everyone must get in position to batten down the hatches. They prepare for the storm ahead. The crisis may result from:

  • Severe weather
  • Enemy attack
  • Mechanical problems

According to The Free Dictionary, a ship’s crew members are also known as hands. The ship’s floor is its deck.

However, the definition for this expression has expanded beyond ships.

All hands on deck means everyone needs to help.

 After recent natural disasters, calls came for assistance from every available resource.  Troubles included:

  • Floods
  • Wildfires
  • Earthquakes
  • Drought
  • Tornadoes

In addition to government agencies, volunteer groups assisted.

Several in our church help with disaster relief services. They keep supplies and vehicles ready to go when calls come.

This expression applies to small problems as well as large ones.

Everyone has a role to play in:

  • Families
  • Sports teams
  • Offices
  • Schools

In every situation, many hands make light work.

Whatever our position, God calls us to remain ready.

 That applies regardless of our age, abilities, or social status. God’s call is not always easy. However, it is always worthwhile.

“Stand steady, and don’t be afraid of suffering for the Lord. Bring others to Christ. Leave nothing undone that you ought to do” (2 Timothy 4:5 TLB).

Thanks to Jane Ashley Pace for the suggestion. Image by Brigitte Werner from Pixabay

Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.

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Kristy Horine book--In a Season of MondaysIf you enjoyed this post, please share it with your friends.

Congratulations to Pat G, whose name was randomly drawn from my mailing list to receive a free copy of Kristy Horine’s book, In a Season of Mondays. If your name is already on my mailing list, you will automatically be entered for any future giveaways. Please encourage your friends to subscribe.

Out of Sorts

Out of Sorts

Out of Sorts--a pile of puzzle pieces


Out of Sorts-Kristy HorinePlease welcome my friend Kristy Robinson Horine as today’s guest writer. Kristy and I met at Kentucky Christian Writers Conference, where she serves on staff. Kristy makes her life in Paris, Kentucky with her husband, Eric, and is mother to four children – Hanson, Anna, Emily, and Sadie. Her professional and creative work has been published in newspapers, magazines and anthologies in Kentucky and beyond. She offers encouragement for each day through her book, In a Season of Mondays: A 30-Day Devotional Journal.

I knew before I came into the kitchen, I was in trouble. My daily responsibilities took longer than anticipated. I still had to put away groceries and unload the dishwasher before I could start supper. My day had not gone as planned, and I was out of sorts.

To be out of sorts means to be jumbled together or mixed up.

Sometimes, being out of sorts happens the moment our feet hit the floor in the mornings. There is no rhyme or reason for the feeling. It just happens.

Sometimes, being out of sorts happens because of other people’s decisions:

  • A child volunteers to bring cookies to an event but doesn’t tell us until the night before.
  • A co-worker drops the ball, and we are left to pick up the pieces.
  • Another driver gets distracted and crashes into our car.

Other times, being out of sorts happens because of the decisions we make:

  • We forget to unload the dishwasher at the right time.
  • We say yes to too many things.
  • We don’t communicate well, causing chaos and conflict.

Whether being out of sorts comes from within us or from others, we can still choose to act in a way that pleases God.

We find clues in one of my favorite passages in the Bible.

“Since many have undertaken to set in order a narrative concerning those matters which have been fulfilled among us, even as those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and servants of the word delivered them to us, it seemed good to me also, having traced the course of all things accurately from the first, to write to you in order, most excellent Theophilus, that you might know the certainty concerning the things in which you were instructed” (Luke 1:1-4 World English Bible).

Learning from this passage, we can easily get back on track, even though we find ourselves out of sorts. We can:

  • Listen to those who have been there.
  • Look at our situation with accuracy.
  • Lead others to know the truth.

What are ways you find yourself out of sorts? Can you listen, look, and lead to put things right?

Kristy Horine book--In a Season of MondaysSubscribe to receive Diana’s weekly posts by email and receive a free copy of “Words of Hope for Days that Hurt.” On September 9, 2023, one name will be randomly selected from Diana’s mailing list to also receive a free copy of Kristy’s In a Season of Mondays. If your name is already on the mailing list, you are automatically entered. Please encourage your friends to subscribe.

Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment.

Down the Drain

Down the Drain

Down the Drain--waterfall between cliff wallsWe love to watch water fall into a river. However, we rarely want to watch water go down the drain. We lose that water, and it costs us.

Down the drain means wasted.

Our resources have:

  • Failed
  • Disappeared
  • Ruined

This may apply to:

  • Companies
  • Finances
  • Relationships
  • Personal or professional plans

Sometimes, we control what goes down the drain.

We do that when we:

  • Make risky investments.
  • Spend money recklessly.
  • Fail to nurture relationships.
  • Focus only on ourselves.

Other times, we have no control.

  • Banks or companies make poor decisions.
  • Thieves rob us.
  • People desert us.

Whether we have control or not, we lose.

Similar metaphors include:

  • Down the tubes
  • Down the pan
  • Down the toilet
  • Down the plughole

Life constantly changes.

With all its ups and downs, we look for a constant. We find that in a relationship with Jesus. Whatever the situation, Jesus remains with us and will guide us through it.

Circumstances may go down the drain. With Jesus, our eternity remains secure.

Thanks to Beckham Wilson for the suggestion.

Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.

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Get to the Root of

Get to the Root of

Get to the Root of--large tree with exposed roots, sun shining through the leavesFor trees or other plants to grow, they need good roots. If they start to die, we look for a reason. We get to the root of the problem.

Recently, we had two large trees cut. We loved the trees. However, they were dying. Their roots no longer supplied what they needed to survive.

If we find the source of any problem, we get to the root of it.

We may not find physical roots like a tree. Yet, any problem has a cause.

My husband suffered several physical symptoms in 2003 and 2004. No one found a reason at first. Because we did not give up, doctors finally got to the root of it. He had a brain tumor.

We get to the root of most problems the same way.

We determine:

  • Signs of the problem
  • Probable causes
  • The actual cause
  • Ways to correct it

Those steps apply to a variety of difficulties.

  • Medical
  • Relationship
  • Employment
  • Property

We often need experts to help us get to the root of it.

Regardless of our abilities, none of us has all the answers. Two heads are better than one. Especially if one of those heads has special training and skills. Even more so, if both heads bow in prayer to seek God’s direction.

“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, And whose hope is the Lord.  For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, Which spreads out its roots by the river, And will not fear when heat comes; But its leaf will be green, And will not be anxious in the year of drought, Nor will cease from yielding fruit. (Jeremiah 17:7-8 NKJV).

Thanks to Becky Nash Rowe for the suggestion. Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash.

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Hem and Haw

Hem and Haw

Hem and Haw: fork in road with a sign pointing the two ways to "later" or "now"A young cousin visited our family years ago. When no one was looking, she helped herself to Mom’s perfume. Lots of perfume. Stink-you-out-of-the-house strong. When Mom asked about it, Kim chose to hem and haw.

Kim looked at the ground, the sky, and the trees. Never at Mom. Regardless of what Mom said, she responded, “I’m just tired.”

Kim did not want to answer Mom’s question. She was not caught red-handed, but she was obviously guilty.

According to The Free Dictionary, to hem and haw is “to refuse to give a definite answer.”

“‘Hem,’ similar … to … ‘ahem,’ [means] to hesitate. ‘Haw’ [means] much the same…. Combine the two, and you have someone who’s stalling for time and hoping not to have to respond any further.”

Some people simply say “hem haw.”

To hem and haw also means to act with uncertainty.

Both meanings often involve:

  • Pauses
  • Unclear speech
  • Poor eye contact
  • Vague answers
  • Frequent throat clearing (a similar sound to the expression)

Such behavior occurs when people don’t know how to answer or don’t want to answer.

Rather than a direct reply, they stall with meaningless sounds or words.

Saying “I don’t know” or “I did it” sounds better than avoiding the truth.

Honesty helps keep people out of hot water. Choose the right way now to stay out of trouble now and later.

“Speak the truth to each other” (Zechariah 8:16 NIV).

Thanks to Terrie Wilson for the suggestion. Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.

NOTE: While exploring related expressions, I discovered I used a similar introduction for beat around the bush. However, it works so well for both, I decided to keep it here too.

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It Is What It Is

It Is What It Is

It Is What It Is--stump with a moose carvingIt is what it is. That reality applies to all of life. Much we can change, but not everything.

It is what it is refers to a situation we can’t change.

We don’t like it, but we can’t undo what has been done, so we:

  • Accept it
  • Do the best we can
  • Move on with our lives

We must deal with life as it comes.

When we can’t change it, we make the most of it. Yes, it is frustrating. Yes, it is hard. That’s life. We deal with it as it is.

A simple example: What do we do with a stump? The tree is gone. Do we:

  • Do nothing and leave the stump where it is?
  • Dig it up and fill the hole with dirt?
  • Try to make it beautiful?

It Is What It Is--honeysuckle covered stumpTree carvers turn stumps into works of art. Most of us don’t have that skill. My family’s solution: We let honeysuckle cover the stump. Honeysuckle is a weed, but we love its blooms.

Our stump is still a stump, but we chose to make the best of a bad situation.

Before I took the honeysuckle picture, a deer ate most of its blooms. I was disappointed, but it is what it is. I took the picture anyway.

Occasionally, it is what it is becomes an excuse to do nothing.

Although hard, most difficulties are not impossible. We simply don’t want to deal with them.

Let’s use this expression to motivate, not to excuse.

Make the most of life as it is.

“Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds” (Hebrews 10:24 NIV).

Thanks to Karen Atwood for the suggestion. First image by Kai from Pixabay.

Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.

How the Sausage Is Made-Harriet Michael book, Glimpses of the SaviorOn Saturday, October 22, I will randomly select the name of one person on my mailing list to receive a free copy of Shirley Crowder and Harriet Michaels’s devotional book, Glimpses of the Savior: 50 Meditations for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year. If you are not already on my mailing list, you can sign up here.

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Alive and Kicking

Alive and Kicking

Alive and Kicking--Girl kicking on a sunset beachFew of us can kick as high as Stella. Yet, we can move at our own pace. We are alive and kicking.

I recently talked with a friend I had not seen in several years. When I asked how she was, she said, “I’m still kicking.” Like most people, she had experienced ups and downs. Some days she kicks higher than others.

Alive and kicking means alive and well.

As my father loved to say, we are “full of vim, vigor, and vitality.” We have:

  • Energy
  • Enthusiasm
  • Health

We are:

  • Strong
  • Alert
  • Active

We still exist, so we still have purpose.

Alive and kicking does not mean a perfect life.

We all deal with less than perfect experiences. That’s life. We may suffer:

  • Health crises
  • Financial woes
  • Relationship problems
  • Daily challenges

Yet, we don’t give up. Rather, we rise and shine. We give thanks for each day and determine to make the most of the resources and abilities we possess.

We kick as high as we can.

“I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands” (Psalm 63:4 NIV).

Thanks to Virginia Harris Sturgeon for the suggestion and to Rhonda Wade Royster for the photo.

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