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On the Square

On the Square

On the Square-Kristy HorinePlease welcome my friend Kristy Robinson Horine as today’s guest writer. Kristy and I met at Kentucky Christian Writers Conference, where she serves on staff. Kristy makes her life in Paris, Kentucky with her husband, Eric, and is mother to four children – Hanson, Anna, Emily, and Sadie. Her professional and creative work has been published in newspapers, magazines and anthologies in Kentucky and beyond. Kristy can be reached via email:

On the Square--Patrick Joseph Moran plaque


In the Cincinnati Reds Hall of Fame Museum, a bronze plaque and statue honor former Reds manager, Patrick Joseph Moran.

The plaque lists Moran’s achievements. It also says, “He played life’s game on the square, beloved by both players and the public.”

Many Squares

In real life, we try not to end up as a square peg in a round hole. However, no one can escape the reality of a square life. We often have:

  • Square roots in math
  • Public squares in politics and speech
  • Square deals in business and trade


  • We can be squared away when we tie up all our loose ends.
  • We can square off against opponents in any area.

On the Square: 2 carpenter squaresPerhaps the best kind of square is like the one a carpenter uses.

Carpenter squares come in many sizes and are made of varied materials. They have a 90-degree right angle. Some have a cross bar between the angle’s two sides for additional measurement.

To be squared up against a carpenter’s square is to be true, steady, and wise.

  • A wall that is not square poses a danger to those inside or out. Angles that are too wide (obtuse) or too narrow (acute) cannot support weight without falling eventually.
  • A floor that is not level causes objects to slide, roll, or lose balance.

Walls, floors, and lives built on the square:

  • Are not in danger of toppling over
  • Do not cause others to slide, roll, or lose balance
  • Bear up well under weight.

May we all live our lives as if we were built by the best carpenter of all time – Jesus Christ.

“In the beginning you laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands” (Psalm 102:25 NIV).

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