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Tag: trust

Hit the Trail

Hit the Trail

Hit the TrailI’m almost always ready to hit the trail (or hit the road). Our family loves to travel. Therefore, when someone says it is time to hit the trail, I pack my luggage and go.

A friend recently hit the trail on an unexpected journey. She was out of state celebrating a baby’s birth. As she traveled home, a grandchild called. The little girl begged her grandmother to visit her in another state.

My friend had never used GPS. Neither had she traveled from where she was to where her grandchild lives. Her desire to see her grandchild outweighed her fear of the unknown. She:

  • Pulled off the road
  • Found a GPS app
  • Entered her information
  • Trusted GPS to take her where she wanted to go

She made every turn her app said to take. For two-and-one-half hours she traveled through lovely little towns. She wondered if she was receiving correct directions. Yet, she trusted GPS to lead her.

She made it to her granddaughter’s house by traveling off the beaten path.

Several times during that drive, my friend had the same thought. What if we listened to God like we do GPS? If so, we would be where we need to be.

Of course, GPS devices and apps occasionally lead us the wrong direction. God’s guidance never fails.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV).

Thanks to Suellen Shaw for sharing her experience.

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