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Turn Over a New Leaf

Turn Over a New Leaf

Turn Over a New LeafI always thought of a leaf on a tree when I heard the expression turn over a new leaf. I knew it meant people wanted to change. So, I thought of new leaves growing on trees or leaves changing colors.

A little checking proved me wrong.

I had the meaning right.

If we turn over a new leaf, we:

  • Want to do better than we have in the past
  • Plan a fresh start
  • Change our attitude or behavior
  • Leave our past behind

I had the origin wrong.

The expression refers to turning to a new page in a book. Another name for page is leaf. Therefore, when we turn over a new leaf, we start a clean page in our lives. We begin again.

Whether talking about leaves on a tree or leaves in a book, the meaning remains the same. We change for the better.

“If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV).

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