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From Here to Timbuktu

From Here to Timbuktu

From Here to TimbuktuFor a long time I thought Timbuktu was just a funny sounding name that symbolized any distant place.

If I wanted to tell someone how hard it was to get somewhere, I said it was like going from here to Timbuktu. That’s a lot farther than from here to yonder.

Imagine my surprise when I learned Timbuktu actually exists.

I also learned this town in Mali, West Africa is not the farthest from my home. Neither is it the hardest to reach.

I still love the name. Timbuktu has a unique sound, don’t you think?

A few years ago, a niece told me she has a friend who worked in Mali. I had a Timbuktu connection!

As my knowledge of geography grew, so did my awareness of my worldwide responsibility.

Whether I live here (wherever here may be for me) or around the world, I am one with other citizens of earth. We are all creations of our mighty God.

What a joy to love my brothers and sisters from here to Timbuktu!

How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! (Psalm 133:1 NIV)

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