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Until the Cows Come Home

Until the Cows Come Home

Until the Cows Come HomeWe wait until the cows come home for a new job.

We wait until the cows come home for the love of our life to call.

We wait until the cows come home for a vacation.

Waiting is hard. Waiting a long time is very hard. Waiting until the cows come home … seems to take forever. What we wait for may happen, but who knows when?

If you watch cows move from one place to another, they usually take a long time.

  • They don’t rush.
  • They move their ears and tails to brush away flies.
  • They chew.
  • They often walk together in a single file down a well-worn path.

If you want to see slow, watch cows.

Some farmers move cows from one pasture to another so they have enough grass to eat. They often move the cows in early spring or summer. They return the cows in late autumn. That’s a long time until the cows come home.

Farmers who milk cows usually milk them early morning and late afternoon. That’s a long day in the field until the cows return to the barn at night.

Perhaps we need a little of a cow’s patience. When we tire of waiting, remember:

  • Don’t rush.
  • Get rid of unnecessary distractions.
  • Be satisfied with basic needs.
  • Follow the right path.

“Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains” (James 5:7 NIV).

Special thanks to Emily Akin for the suggestion and link to this and other cattle based idioms.

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