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Down the Road

Down the Road

Down the Road--road leading into a greenery-covered tunnelWhen I was a child, several relatives lived down the road from us. My sister and I often walked to their houses to play with our cousins.

We also spent time wondering what God had down the road for our futures. Where would we live? What would we do?

Down the road has two meanings.

  1. On the same road or nearby
  2. In the future

This post will focus on the second meaning.

It pays to plan for what lies down the road.

“Failing to plan is planning to fail.” That quote or similar ones have been credited to Benjamin Franklin, Reverend H. K. Williams, and others. Yet, the source remains uncertain. Regardless of who first said it, the truth endures.

We face an uncertain future.

Although we want to plan, life offers no guarantees. Therefore, we prepare for our goals. Yet, we also prepare for life’s unknowns.

God remains with us both now and down the road.

In spite of life’s uncertainties, we can always count on God’s peace and presence. Whether our plans work out or go down the drain, God promises never to leave us alone. All we have to do is follow Him in faith.

 As we travel down life’s road, may we never stray from the straight and narrow.

“Mixed motives twist life into tangles; pure motives take you straight down the road” (Proverbs 21:8 MSG).

Thanks to Beckham Wilson for the suggestion and the photo.

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At Loggerheads

At Loggerheads

At Loggerheads--loggerhead turtle on sandAt loggerheads has nothing to do with loggerhead turtles. Although we might enjoy finding the so-ugly-they-are-cute turtles, they give no insight into the idiom. Unless they fight.

At loggerheads means in conflict.

We disagree or argue and fail to resolve the problem. Probably one of the best-known examples of conflict between families is the Hatfield and McCoy feud.

Usually no one wins when at loggerheads.

As with the Hatfields and McCoys, strong disagreement often causes great suffering on both sides including violence or death.

In addition to families, quarrels or disputes occur among:

  • Friends
  • Co-workers
  • Countries
  • Organizations

The Free Dictionary gives two possible origins for the expression.

  1. “A ‘logger’ is a 16th-century term for a block of wood, so a ‘loggerhead’ is a blockhead or fool.”
  2. Loggerhead is also a late 1600s term for “a long-handled iron poker with a bulb-shaped end that was heated in the fire and used to melt pitch.” This “may have been alluded to as a weapon.”

Rather than remain at loggerheads, let’s seek solutions.

  • Compromise when possible.
  • Agree with the other person when we realize we are wrong.
  • Stand firm when necessary.
  • Follow Jesus’ example of self-giving love.

“Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs” (Proverbs 10:12 NIV).

Thanks to Sarah Burns Hampshire for the suggestion. Photo by Amy Farías with Pexels.

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On the Same Page

On the Same Page

On the Same Page: Grandmother reading to grandson, his mouth open in surpriseWhen we read a book together, we want to be on the same page. To read the same words and see the same pictures gives us mutual understanding.

On the same page means we agree.

We share the same:

  • Viewpoint or opinion
  • Attitude
  • Goals
  • Perception

By staying on the same page, we avoid confusion.

We begin and proceed with a similar mindset. As a result, we achieve far more than if our plans or ideas clash.

This remains true whatever we do.

  • Work
  • Sports
  • Academics
  • Investments

However, we want to stay on the same page for the right reasons.

Will our choices:

  • Honor God?
  • Serve the needs of others?
  • Challenge us to be the best we can be?

For the best life, go by the best book, the Bible. In it we learn the source of true joy and the challenge to share that joy with others..

“Make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind” (Philippians 2:2 NIV).

This idea came from a post by Amy Walsh with Wisdom, Whimsy, and Wordsmithing. Thanks to Tracy Crump for the photo.

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Keep Your Hair On

Keep Your Hair On

Keep Your Hair On -- Girl with hair blowing around her faceHave you ever been in a windstorm where you felt like your hair was lifting off your head? If you wear a wig, the results can be disastrous and hilarious. You want to keep your hair on. Therefore, you hope the wind calms so your hair can do the same.

To keep your hair on means to stay calm.

People say this if you are:

They often say it as an order. They want you to get a grip.

You hear this expression primarily in the UK.

An American equivalent is to keep your shirt on. Both expressions caution you to regain control.

Keeping your hair on helps you be your best self.

Remaining calm and patient leads to a better:

  • Attitude
  • Blood pressure
  • Relationship with others

I pray you stay settled and at peace.

“I have calmed and quieted myself” (Psalm 131:2 NIV).

Thanks to Victor S E Moubarak for the suggestion. Image by Petra from Pixabay.

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Hang On to Your Hat

Hang On to Your Hat

Hang On to Your Hat--woman holding hat on a windy day. Puppy in foreground.Recent storms brought windy weather. As a result, you needed to hang on to your hat. You also needed to hang on to everything else around you.

To hang on to your hat means to prepare yourself.

Something is about to happen, and you want to get ready. Often, the event is unexpected and shocking. It may affect:

  • Individuals
  • Small groups
  • Large numbers of people

A similar expression tells you to hold on to your hat.

Life is full of surprises.

It frequently throws you for a loop with both pleasant and unpleasant changes. Like roller coaster rides, its twists and turns can thrill or terrify. Changes occur in:

  • Relationships
  • Employment
  • Weather
  • Health
  • World events

When life storms or trials occur, you may find it hard to hang on to your faith. 

Change throws you off balance. You struggle to understand. Yet, God uses every experience, good and bad, expected and unexpected, to help you grow.

Hang on to your hat and see where God leads.

Through even the hardest times, you may be pleasantly surprised.

“‘Where is your faith’ he asked his disciples. In fear and amazement they asked one another, ‘Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him’” (Luke 8:25 NIV).

Thanks to Judy Corbin for the suggestion and to Karen Atwood for the photo.

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Hit the Roof

Hit the Roof

Hit the Roof: Fist up through shattered glassPeople rarely hit the roof physically. However, they frequently hit the roof emotionally.

To hit the roof means to become extremely angry or upset.

According to The Idioms, the expression refers to “being so enraged that you could actually bang your head on the roof (or ceiling) … because you feel like exploding.” Similar expressions include:

People lose their temper.

Reasons people hit the roof vary.

For example, they get angry when they:

  • Fail to get their way
  • See rules broken
  • Experience loss or injury
  • Discover betrayal

Hit the roof also refers to sharp price increases.

  • Goods and services grow more expensive.
  • Stocks rise.

If people invest money, they enjoy those increases. If they make purchases, they want the costs to remain low.

It pays to invest emotions and finances wisely.

Maintain control and do what’s right. Spend time and money productively.

“Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice” (Ephesians 4:31 NIV).

Thanks to Lindy Pierce for the suggestion. Image by wendy CORNIQUET from Pixabay.

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Dirt-poor--wildflowers among grass and leavesAlthough I did not know it, our family was close to dirt-poor during my early childhood. In addition to our share of my grandparents’ farm, Dad bought surrounding farmland.

Dirt-poor means extremely poor.

Since we had the basics for survival, we were not extremely poor. However, we had little cash and few luxuries.

Yet, who needed luxuries? The farm provided:

  • Woods and fields to explore
  • A large yard for play
  • Animals, a garden, and an orchard for food and milk

We also enjoyed lots of books (We were book poor too!), games, and family time.

Our financial resources grew over the years, but I would take nothing for those early lean years.

Rather than dirt poor, many families today are house poor.

They may not have much land, but they buy large houses with large mortgages to match. Like our young family, that leaves them little extra money.

Evidence fails to support a popular internet story that dirt poor relates to dirt floors.

Although it makes an interesting story, it offers no proof.

Financial wealth holds no eternal importance.

If all we do is hoard our money, it does no good. Remember, you can’t take it with you when you die.

Whether poor as a church mouse or filthy rich, let’s use the resources we have to make our world a better place.

“Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed” (Psalm 82:3 NIV).

Thanks to Gail Gosser for the suggestion.

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Have Your Cake and Eat It

Have Your Cake and Eat It

Have your cake and eat it--young woman holding the top layer of a wedding cake.

To have your cake and eat it refers to two things you can’t have or do at the same time.

 A less puzzling earlier version of the expression is to “eat your cake and have it.” You can have cake and then eat it. However, if you eat the cake, you no longer have it.

When my husband and I married, we froze the top layer of our wedding cake until our first anniversary. The first year, we had our cake. At the beginning of the second year, we ate it. We could not enjoy the benefit of keeping and eating our cake at the same time. Each year, we made a choice.

You may want to enjoy both, but you can’t.

For example, you can’t have:

  • Government benefits without tax payments
  • Good grades without study time
  • A new house without a financial investment

You must choose between your desires.

Do you keep your cake, or do you eat it?

All of life requires choices. Seek God’s guidance and choose wisely, since you reap what you sow.

“Who, then, are those who fear the Lord? He will instruct them in the ways they should choose” (Psalm 25:12 NIV).

Thanks to Lam DeBrot for the suggestion.

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Snail’s Pace

Snail’s Pace

Snail's Pace--a snail on a leafA friend recently told me she has slowed to a snail’s pace after a major health episode. However, she has not given up. She keeps on keeping on.

A snail’s pace means a slow speed.

If we watch a snail, we understand the connection. It moves so slowly it almost looks like it stands still. However, that snail does move. If we watch it on a plant, we see that it likes to eat as it goes.

Life often moves at a snail’s pace.

Like my friend, health issues make us slow down. Life also feels like it crawls when:

  • Work takes longer than we like.
  • Study requires long, difficult hours.
  • Favorite activities are delayed.

A slower pace allows time to enjoy the moment.

We frequently move so fast, we forget to relish life’s simple pleasures. Instead of constant motion, why not:

  • Watch the snails, butterflies, and other sights in nature.
  • Take deep breaths and look around at all God gives.
  • Stop and listen to family and friends.
  • Learn to relax.

Sometimes we need to adjust our pace for the benefit of others.

Small children or the elderly may need more time. We want to match our movement to theirs. Whether fast or slow, let’s help others enjoy their moments too.

We will follow slowly, at a pace that is comfortable for the livestock and the children” (Genesis 33:14 NIV).

Thanks to E. Pearl Anderson for the suggestion. Photo courtesy of Pexels.

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Good Taste

Good Taste

Good Taste--table decorated in front of two stained-glass windows

What qualifies as good taste? That’s a great question, but it has no single correct answer. We vary from one another and so does our description of good taste. Yet, we can agree on two general definitions.

Good taste means a sense of what is proper and pleasing in social activities.

Acceptable behavior in some settings causes great discomfort in others. Wise choices and tactfulness outweigh personal preferences.

Good taste also means wise beauty, art, and intellectual choices.

We know how to make ourselves and our surroundings attractive. We find examples in:

  • Housing
  • Decorations
  • Food
  • Clothing
  • Music
  • Books

Yet, what we consider refined or sophisticated, other people consider snobbish or laughable. We may be dressed to the nines for our neck of the woods. Yet, the same attire would be inappropriate or highfalutin in other settings.

Love and respect for others are always in good taste.

Jesus set the perfect example in word and deed. May we faithfully follow.

“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him “ (Psalm 34:8 NIV).

Thanks to Joe and Ann Klotz for the suggestion and to Jeri Stone for the photo.

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