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Take Down a Peg or Two

Take Down a Peg or Two

Take Down a Peg or Two--ship with sailsMany of us have personal experience related to take down a peg or two.

My childhood friends and I knew the expression well. When we became too big for our britches,  our parents put an end to our high and mighty behavior.

Their discipline took several forms:

  • The look of disapproval
  • Scolding
  • Time out
  • Loss of privileges
  • Other methods of loving but stern correction

To take down a peg or two means to deflate our pride or ego.

When we think too much of ourselves, we need a good dose of humility. No one is better than anyone else.

If we mistreat others, we may eventually get a taste of our own medicine. Our time for shame will probably come.

Wanting to do well is okay but not at the expense of others.

Hurting anyone in order to succeed spoils true success. Getting ahead never justifies:

  • Rudeness
  • Injury
  • A superior attitude

Take down a peg or two has a maritime connection.

According to The Free Dictionary, the expression “alludes to lowering a ship’s colors … by means of pegs. The higher the colors … the greater the honor.”

Refuse to become arrogant and self-centered.

Choose instead to straighten up and fly right. God, who is Love, calls us to love and help one another.

“Do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor be weary when reproved by him.
For the Lord disciplines the one he loves” (Hebrews 12:5-6 NIV).

Thanks to Tracy Crump for sharing this expression following her maritime museum tour.

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Make Up for Lost Time

Make Up for Lost Time

Make Up for Lost Time--grandfather clockMost of us have had to make up for lost time. We plan to complete tasks. Yet, other events interfere with those plans.

To make up for lost time means to spend time doing what we should have done earlier.

Because of our delay, we have to work quicker or longer to get the job done. For example, we:

  • Leave late and drive faster to arrive on time. (I don’t recommend this.)
  • Fail to complete a work assignment and have to work harder later.

We occasionally make up for lost time in our relationships.

  • After years apart or with little time together, we focus on one another.
  • When illness prevents favorite activities, we spend extra time on them after we heal.

Too often, we waste time.

That looks different for each of us. We dillydally when we:

  • Delay a task we don’t want to perform
  • Sleep late
  • Spend excess time on fun but useless activities

 We also make up for lost time through no fault of our own.

We simply have more to do than we can do.

  • Emergencies occur.
  • We complete the work other people failed to do.
  • Unexpected requests or assignments arise.

God gives each of us twenty-four hours a day.

Will we:

  • Use it wisely?
  • Keep our priorities in order?
  • Do our best?

As John Wooden said, “If you don’t have time to do it right, when are you going to have the time to do it over?”

“I trust in you, Lord; I say, ‘You are my God.’ My times are in your hands.” —Psalm 31:14-15

Thanks to Beckham Wilson for the suggestion and to Beverly Ennis for the photo.

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Well Begun Is Half Done

Well Begun Is Half Done

Well Begun Is Half Done--Snake River float trip with Grand Tetons in backgroundMy husband and I love to travel. For years, we hopped in our car as often as possible to explore our country. However, we usually spent weeks planning the trip. We learned that well begun is half done.

We decided in advance:

  • How far we wanted to travel
  • What sights we wanted to see
  • How much time we had

We also allowed for short unplanned side trips off the beaten path.

Well begun is half done means if we begin well, we are more likely to end well.

Work begun well usually means:

  • Less work to complete
  • Increased chance for success

This holds true whether we want to:

  • Build a house
  • Write a book
  • Sell a product

If we have no idea what we need to do, we get nowhere.

We spin our wheels and accomplish nothing.

Well begun is half done also relates to our spiritual lives.

For the best life, we make the best plans. Will we focus on ourselves for our brief time on earth? Or will we choose a personal, eternal relationship with Jesus? If we follow Jesus, we receive:

  • Joy for our present journey in both good and bad times
  • Hope for a home in heaven

At the end of life’s road, nothing matters more.

 In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life” (1 Timothy 6:19 NIV).

Thanks to Joy S. Taylor for the suggestion.

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Hand Over Fist

Hand Over Fist

Hand Over Fist-two puppies pulling a ropeWhen puppies have a tug of war, they use their mouths. However, people pull with their hands. Each team wants to pull the other over a line between them. Team members pull by alternating hand over fist.

Today, hand over fist usually means a quick and continuous action.

Hand Over Fist--Boys in tug-of-warThis applies whether:

  • Playing tug of war
  • Climbing a rope
  • Pulling something or someone with a rope

According to The Phrase Finder, an earlier version was hand over hand and meant “making steady progress.” Steady progress may be slower. However, it often results in more secure and lasting results.

This expression frequently refers to people who make money hand over fist.

Shrewd financial decisions increase their wealth. They may not grab money with their hands, but they do profit from business deals. Many times, their gain means someone else’s loss. They fight with no holds barred.

 No decision or action should deliberately harm others.

The bottom line: If anyone suffers unnecessarily, the price is too high. Neither financial profit nor social gain are worth it. In a personal tug of war, let love for God and love for others pull every choice to the right side.

“The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs” (1 Timothy 6:10 NIV).

Thanks to Cindy Shoemaker for the suggestion. Images by Darby Browning and Stéphane CHADOURNE from Pixabay

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The Blind Leading the Blind

The Blind Leading the Blind

The Blind Leading the Blind: Man and guide dog on sidewalkThe blind leading the blind does not work.

I have two friends who are blind. Both possess amazing talents — musically, intellectually, spiritually, and socially. However, they can’t help one another, or anyone else, safely cross a street. That requires someone with sight.

Both have loving family and friends who assist them when needed. Both also have guide dogs specially trained to help them.

The blind leading the blind describes people unable to do a task who try to help others perform that same task.

They can’t do it. If they try, both end up in a right smart of trouble.

People need to know what they are doing in order to help someone else.

They must have:

  • Knowledge
  • Experience
  • Skills

For example:

  • Help with math requires an understanding of math.
  • Assistance with cooking requires the ability to cook.
  • Guiding a tour group requires knowledge of the area.

We find the blind leading the blind in the Bible.

Jesus used it in Luke 6:39 and Matthew 15:14. In Matthew, religious leaders rejected the truth. Jesus described them as the blind leading the blind.

To help others is a good thing. Yet, that requires:

  • A willingness to learn
  • The ability to assist

Learn and develop skills first.

Then offer help.

“Leave them; they are blind guides. If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.” (Matthew 15:14 NIV).

Thanks to Brad Leverett for the suggestion and to Cole Torbert (and Louie) for the photo.

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Jump the Gun

Jump the Gun

Jump the Gun--runners at a starting line

In the past, a gun fired as a signal to start many sports contests. Runners occasionally became so excited, they would jump the gun. They started running before their races began.

To jump the gun means to begin before the right time.

Like athletes, we occasionally jump the gun in life. We act too quickly.

Rather than wait until everything is ready, we start too soon. Our actions are not:

  • Appropriate
  • Wise
  • Approved

Patience is hard to practice.

 Yet, we need it. Instead of getting in too big a hurry, we want to toe the mark. Better to follow the guidelines than ruin our chances of getting where we want to go.

When tempted to bypass the rules, let’s hold our horses.

Plan to go when it’s time to go but wait when it’s time to wait.

“Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord” (Psalm 27:14 NIV).

Thanks to Melissa Bright for the suggestion. Image by Vlad Vasnetsov from Pixabay.

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Horse Sense

Horse Sense

Horse Sense-horse walking beside a fence with a red barn in the backgroundWe can be sharp as a tack but not have a bit of horse sense. Education does not give us horse sense. Neither does talent. Instead, it is what we do with the knowledge, education and talent we possess.

Horse sense is common sense.

It does not require:

  • An impressive resume
  • A sophisticated lifestyle

We use wisdom in what we say and do. Sometimes that wisdom outwits the more intelligent and better educated.

With horse sense, we make practical decisions that work well.

Those decisions apply to:

  • Relationships
  • Jobs
  • Free time

We learn when to act and when to hold our horses.

Good decisions lead to a good life. Therefore, we want to stay wise as an owl, always ready to do what is right.

“‘Learn to be wise,’ he said, ‘and develop good judgment and common sense! I cannot overemphasize this point’” (Proverbs 4:5 TLB).

Thanks to Beckham Wilson for the suggestion and to Jeri Gumm Stone for the photo.

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Chomp at the Bit

Chomp at the Bit

Chomp at the Bit-Horse with bridle and bitOur family had horses when I was a teenager. I loved to ride, but my sister preferred to keep both feet on the ground. She did not trust horses, especially when they chomped at the bit.

Like many horses, ours wanted to go immediately, and they wanted to go fast. That was especially true when they saw water or food ahead.

A cousin convinced my sister to ride with him one afternoon. The closer they came to the end of their trip, the faster the horse ran. When they went under an apple tree branch, our cousin lowered his head. Gail did not see the branch, and it knocked her to the ground. That was the end of her horseback riding.

To chomp at the bit refers to a horse biting its bit (mouthpiece).

According to The Phrase Finder, the original phrase was champ at the bit. Both chomp and champ refer to biting or chewing. Excited horses chomp at the bit before a race begins. They have a hard time waiting.

People also chomp at the bit.

We may not have a piece of metal in our mouths. However, we definitely get impatient. Few of us enjoy delay. We want everything immediately, if not sooner.

  • Babies want to be fed.
  • Children want to play.
  • Teenagers want to drive.
  • Adults want good jobs.
  • Almost everyone wants love and acceptance.

We want what we want when we want it.

Like bits guide horses, wisdom guides people.

Yet, we need to find trustworthy sources for truth. Let’s never chomp at the bit until we know we are:

  • Following the right source.
  • Going the right direction

Until then, let’s hold our horses.

“Do not be like the horse or the mule, which have no understanding but must be controlled by bit and bridle or they will not come to you” (Psalm 32:9 NIV).

Thanks to Tracy Crump for the suggestion. Image by Ainslie Gilles-Patel from Pixabay.

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Your Guess Is as Good as Mine

Your Guess Is as Good as Mine

Your Guess Is as Good as Mine-two small girls shrugging with hands upSomeone asks a question. We don’t know the answer. What do we do? We may say, “You’re guess is as good as mine.”

 Your guess is as good as mine means we have no idea.

We don’t know any more than the person who asked the question. Neither of us can figure out what to do.

When we don’t know answers, we find someone who does.

We look for people wise as an owl. They may not know everything, but they know more than we do. Such wisdom often comes from older people, but not always. Occasionally it comes out of the mouths of babes.

No one but God knows all things.

We cannot possibly learn everything in our short lives. We do the best we can. However, we still make guesses in many situations.

God never guesses. God knows.

The one and only Creator of all things is:

  • All powerful
  • Always present
  • All knowing

Trust God for answers that never fail.

“The foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength” (1 Corinthians 1:25 NIV).

Thanks to Laurel Blevins for the suggestion and to Rita Smalley for the photo.

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You Made Your Bed, You Must Lie in It

You Made Your Bed, You Must Lie in It

You Made Your Bed--bed in The Elms (R. I.)You made your bed, you must lie in it has nothing to do with making a bed. The expression focuses on behavior.

You have to live with the results of what you do.

  • Good choices bring good results.
  • Bad choices bring bad results.

If you cause problems, expect problems in your life. If you share joy, expect joy in return.

 Of course, exceptions to the rule occur. However, you usually experience the natural or logical effects of your actions. You did it, so you must live with it.

Several expressions have the same meaning.

Whether you talk about beds, gardens, music, or chickens, the message remains the same. For the best life, make the best choices.

“When you see trouble coming, don’t be stupid and walk right into it— be smart and hide” (Proverbs 22:3 CEV).

Thanks to Bonnie Alley for the suggestion.

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