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Wise as an Owl

Wise as an Owl

Wise as an Owl--snowy owl on a logI had never seen a snowy owl until this one showed up near our house. Northern Canada is home to snowy owls, not central Kentucky. Yet, this one decided to stop for a visit.

As a result, people traveled here from several states. They wanted to see and take pictures of our unusual guest.

All owls, including our lovely visitor, remind us to be wise as an owl.

Wise as an owl means very wise.

We use our brains. That includes:

  • Learning new information
  • Using that information well (We can be sharp as a tack yet not wise.)
  • Sharing our information, so others can also grow wise as an owl

Wise as an owl does not mean having all the answers.

No one but God knows everything. Therefore, a wise person:

Remember a word to the wise can come from unusual places:

Watch. Listen. Always remain ready to learn.

“Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still; teach the righteous and they will add to their learning” (Proverbs 9:9 NIV).

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