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Gobsmacked--Pacific Ocean-Hwy 101-Arch Rock The first time I saw the ocean, I was gobsmacked. My jaw dropped. My eyes popped. All my senses went on overload. Never had I experienced such awe.

The beauty and majesty of God’s creation left me breathless. I did not want to move. I felt like I could stay there forever.

Similar reactions occurred at Yellowstone and other parts of our world.

Gobsmacked means “overwhelmed with wonder, surprise, or shock.”

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, it is primarily a slang British expression.

Gob can mean mouth. According to the Macmillan Dictionary blog, gobsmacked is “the kind of shock you would feel if you were suddenly hit in the face…. Clapping a hand to your mouth … is a less violent interpretation.” The shock leaves you speechless.

Causes for gobsmacked reactions may be good or bad.

Not every surprise or shock feels pleasant. That’s life with all its ups and downs.

Under God’s leadership, we survive and thrive whatever the experience.

Whether gobsmacked from good or bad, God offers joy, hope, and purpose.

I pray you enjoy a glorious gobsmacked day.

The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders; where morning dawns, where evening fades, you call forth songs of joy (Psalm 65:8 NIV).

Thanks to Pat Childress Conner Stapp for the suggestion.

Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.

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Can’t Beat It with a Stick

Can’t Beat It with a Stick

Can't Beat It with a Stick-Old FaithfulOur family loves Yellowstone National Park. For a travel destination, we can’t beat it with a stick.

Consider all it offers:

  • A crystal-clear lake
  • Majestic mountains
  • Thundering waterfalls

Plus, wildlife:

  • Bison
  • Elk
  • Deer
  • Bears
  • Wolves

However, its thermal features are our favorites:

  • Mud pots
  • Geysers
  • Steam vents
  • Hot springs

That explosive power just under the earth’s surface amazes us.

Can’t beat it with a stick means nothing is better.

We can’t improve it. Definitely not fair to middling, no greater deal exists.

Sometimes, we simply say we can’t beat it. It’s excellent, as we find in:

  • The beauty and wonder of Yellowstone
  • A dependable car or truck
  • The best meal of our lives
  • A bargain at the store

More impressive than any of this is its Creator.

We stand in wonder of the beauty and bounty of our earth. Yet, imagine the One who created it.

Imagine eternity with the Creator of everything.

God promises an eternal home in heaven to everyone who follows Jesus. The apostle John describes his vision of heaven in the Bible’s book of Revelation. However, heaven’s glory remains beyond anything we can imagine.

“’What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived’—the things God has prepared for those who love him—” (1 Corinthians 2:9 NIV).

Thanks to Joe and Ann Klotz for the suggestion. Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.

How the Sausage Is Made-Harriet Michael book, Glimpses of the SaviorCongratulations to Frank Cheatham, whose name was randomly selected from my mailing list to receive a free copy of Shirley Crowder and Harriet Michael’s devotional book, Glimpses of the Savior: 50 Meditations for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year.

Subscribe to receive my weekly posts by email and receive a free copy of “Words of Hope for Days that Hurt.”

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In Hot Water

In Hot Water

In Hot Water--Yellowstone geyser basinIf I take a wrong step in Yellowstone National Park’s geyser basins, I end up in hot water. Other people have done that and did not live to talk about it.

I have been in hot water a few times in my life. I did not like it and don’t want to do it again.

If I am in hot water, I am in trouble.

I have done something wrong. My actions:

  • Make someone angry
  • Result in my punishment
  • Cause shame for me or those close to me
  • Put me in the doghouse

I would like to say I have never been in hot water.  

However, I can’t.

  • Sometimes, I make mistakes I don’t mean to make.
  • Other times I make mistakes because I want my way instead of the right way.

I may end up in hot water if the rules are wrong.

If someone in authority says to do something morally wrong, I must choose.

  • Will I do what the person in authority says?
  • Or will I make the right choice and end up in hot water?

I hope I always make the right choice and follow the straight and narrow.

In every situation, I live with the results of the choice I make. I reap what I sow.

“The Lord shows his faithful followers the way they should live” (Psalm 25:12 NET).

Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.

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