Head in the Clouds

Head in the Clouds

Head in the CloudsWe like the thought that every cloud has a silver lining. We don’t enjoy people saying we have our head in the clouds.

I should know.

I have my head in the clouds quite often.

While thinking about one thing, I totally forget what I was doing before. I don’t pay attention, and I suffer as a result.

  • Dinner burns while I read a book. (That’s why I love stove timers.)
  • Clothes wrinkle in the dryer while I write. (I also love dryer buzzers.)
  • I stumble over a step while gazing at the clouds. (I haven’t found a signal for that yet.)

You get the picture?

I grow absent-minded when doing something I enjoy.

I forget my present reality. Like clouds, my mind floats away.

An occasional head in the clouds moment may be okay.

We need to dream. We need to escape and refresh our minds. A break from routine is good for the soul. We just need to be sure nothing and no one suffers because of it.

“Watch your step. Stick to the path and be safe” (Proverbs 4:26 TLB).

How about you? What’s your worst head in the clouds experience? Please comment below.

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6 thoughts on “Head in the Clouds

  1. The worst head in the cloud experience : going to the doctor, getting a great report, stopping at a real Italian deli, looking at the clouds over Albany as I walked to my car and falling flat on my face bruising my hands and forehead. But the antipasto was delicious! Judith Coopy

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