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Tag: admit mistakes

If the Shoe Fits, Wear It

If the Shoe Fits, Wear It

If the Shoe Fits, Wear ItIf the shoe fits, wear it sounds like a shoe ad. However, we usually mean something much different:

If people say anything bad, but true, about us, admit it.

We may not like to hear it. Yet, if we complain, someone may say, “If the shoe fits, wear it.” In other words, if it applies, accept it. Face the music.

If the shoe fits, wear it may follow:

  • “He called me lazy.”
  • “She said I can’t cook.”
  • “The doctor said I need to exercise more.”

Perhaps we need to change shoes.

Just because a shoe fits, we don’t have to keep wearing it. We can choose other shoes.

If we have a bad habit, we don’t have to keep doing it. We can come clean. We can choose a different way to live.

  • Work harder, if we don’t want to be called lazy.
  • Take cooking lessons, if our food tastes bad.
  • Exercise more to get a better doctor’s report.

We may have our work cut out for us, but we can do it.

Choose the best shoes for the best fit.

“Wear shoes that are able to speed you on as you preach the Good News of peace with God” (Ephesians 6:15 TLB).

Thanks to Carole Fite for the suggestion.

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Come Clean

Come Clean

Come Clean--muddy river Come clean is the opposite of sweep under the rug.

When we come clean, we admit we did wrong.

We choose to:

  • Stop hiding our mistakes
  • Confess
  • Tell the truth

To come clean is not always fun.

We often act like children who hate to take a bath. Rather than do what we know we should do, we:

  • Deny we are dirty
  • Delay coming clean as long as we can

Yet, when we come clean, we look and feel better.

  • The dirt is gone.
  • The smell is gone.
  • Our health improves.

In many ways, our lives are like a river.

When dirt fills the river, the water gets muddy. It can be used for little.

However, once the dirt washes away, the river becomes useful again.

When God washes the dirt from our lives, we become clean and useful.

Today seems the perfect day for that fresh start. What do you think?

“Wash away my wrongdoing! Cleanse me of my sin!” (Psalm 51:2 NET)

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Sweep under the Rug

Sweep under the Rug

No one sees dirt we sweep under the rug. Yet, the floor remains dirty.

We sweep dirt under the rug to hide it.

However, if we don’t get rid of the dirt, it damages both the floor and the rug.

We get rid of dirt now, or we deal with problems later.

News reports show that truth every day. People try to hide what they say or do. What they hide may be:

  • Embarrassing
  • Unpleasant
  • Shameful

They hope no one learns about what they sweep under the rug. Yet, they often get caught red handed.

Why not avoid the dirt?

If we don’t want people to learn what we do, don’t do it.

When we get dirty, admit it.

We avoid big problems later if we tackle small problems as soon as they happen.

Let’s get rid of the dirt. Everyone suffers less when we do.

“Woe to those who go to great depths to hide their plans from the Lord, who do their work in darkness and think, ‘Who sees us? Who will know?’” (Isaiah 29:15 NIV).

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Egg on My Face

Egg on My Face

Egg on My Face--child eating, messy faceBrenna often had egg (and other food) on her face when she was smaller. Children get messy while they learn to eat.

Although no longer a child, I still get egg on my face. I did so at least three times recently.

  • Once I ate an egg too fast.
  • Twice I made silly mistakes.

When I get egg on my face, I embarrass myself.

I fail to do something right. Sometimes I make simple mistakes. They cause no big problems. Other times, my mistakes are more serious. I fall flat.

What should I do when I get egg on my face?

  • Laugh at the silly little things. Everyone makes mistakes.
  • Wipe the egg off and keep going. Don’t give up.
  • Pay more attention. Be careful so I don’t make more mistakes.
  • See it as an opportunity. Go back to the drawing board and learn to do better.

“A man who refuses to admit his mistakes can never be successful. But if he confesses and forsakes them, he gets another chance” (Proverbs 28:13 TLB).

Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.

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Thanks to Darrin Jenkins for the photo.