Come Clean
Come clean is the opposite of sweep under the rug.
When we come clean, we admit we did wrong.
We choose to:
- Stop hiding our mistakes
- Confess
- Tell the truth
To come clean is not always fun.
We often act like children who hate to take a bath. Rather than do what we know we should do, we:
- Deny we are dirty
- Delay coming clean as long as we can
Yet, when we come clean, we look and feel better.
- The dirt is gone.
- The smell is gone.
- Our health improves.
In many ways, our lives are like a river.
When dirt fills the river, the water gets muddy. It can be used for little.
However, once the dirt washes away, the river becomes useful again.
When God washes the dirt from our lives, we become clean and useful.
Today seems the perfect day for that fresh start. What do you think?
“Wash away my wrongdoing! Cleanse me of my sin!” (Psalm 51:2 NET)
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7 thoughts on “Come Clean”
What a great reminder, Diana!
Thank you so much, Shirley. Blessings on your new book plans.