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Gobsmacked--Pacific Ocean-Hwy 101-Arch Rock The first time I saw the ocean, I was gobsmacked. My jaw dropped. My eyes popped. All my senses went on overload. Never had I experienced such awe.

The beauty and majesty of God’s creation left me breathless. I did not want to move. I felt like I could stay there forever.

Similar reactions occurred at Yellowstone and other parts of our world.

Gobsmacked means “overwhelmed with wonder, surprise, or shock.”

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, it is primarily a slang British expression.

Gob can mean mouth. According to the Macmillan Dictionary blog, gobsmacked is “the kind of shock you would feel if you were suddenly hit in the face…. Clapping a hand to your mouth … is a less violent interpretation.” The shock leaves you speechless.

Causes for gobsmacked reactions may be good or bad.

Not every surprise or shock feels pleasant. That’s life with all its ups and downs.

Under God’s leadership, we survive and thrive whatever the experience.

Whether gobsmacked from good or bad, God offers joy, hope, and purpose.

I pray you enjoy a glorious gobsmacked day.

The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders; where morning dawns, where evening fades, you call forth songs of joy (Psalm 65:8 NIV).

Thanks to Pat Childress Conner Stapp for the suggestion.

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Pretty as a Picture

Pretty as a Picture

Pretty as a Picture--Bryce Canyon National ParkAnyone or anything pretty as a picture is very pretty.

It may be described as:

  • Beautiful
  • Attractive
  • Appealing

People feel drawn to it. Its beauty pleases the eye. It stands out.

Not everyone agrees on what or who is pretty as a picture.

In nature, some people feel drawn to the:

Others like it all.

The same holds true with people. Who attracts one person may not attract another. Those differences make life more interesting and the world more beautiful.

Many people find beauty wherever they look.

As  a Ray Stevens song tells us, “Everything is Beautiful.” Only when people misuse God’s creation does it become ugly.

Look around. Enjoy the beauty. Live a beautiful life. Remember pretty is as pretty does.

“He has made everything beautiful in its time” (Ecclesiastes 3:11 NIV).

Thanks to Bob Emerson for the suggestion.

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That’s Life

That’s Life

That's Life-tree with hard lifeWe can’t control everything in our lives.

  • Both good and bad happen.
  • We celebrate, and we mourn.
  • Everything can change in an instant.

That’s life.

This tree reminds me of life. All wrapped together, we see:

  • Healthy limbs
  • Dead limbs
  • Missing limbs
  • Injured limbs
  • Other plants pulling life from it

The poor tree, a victim of many storms, looks terrible. Yet, it stands. It:

  • Continues to grow
  • Refuses to fall
  • Still offers shade to everything and everyone under it

We can control parts of our lives.

Like this lovely old tree, we may have suffered much.

  • We probably caused part of our pain.
  • Others may have hurt us.
  • Life storms often leave us scarred.
  • We feel in over our heads.

That’s life.

In spite of our suffering, will we choose to stand? Will we:

  • Stand tall
  • Continue to grow
  • Refuse to fall
  • Still offer help to those around us

Will we pick up the pieces of our lives, give them to God, and keep going?

Life and death
Struggles and scars
Beauty and ugliness
All wrapped together
That’s life.

“[God] comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God” (2 Corinthians 1:4 NIV).

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Beat Your Head against a Wall

Beat Your Head against a Wall

Beat Your Head against a Wall--stone wall with redbud trees in frontIf you beat your head against a wall, you try to do something that looks hopeless.

You may also say you:

  • Bang your head against a wall
  • Bang your head against a brick wall

However you say it, the expression means you waste your time.

You beat your head against a wall when you try again and again with no success.

Few people beat their head against a real wall. However, some do. Unless you want a terrible headache, don’t try it.

Beat your head against a wall means you feel frustrated.

You may want to:

  • Reach a goal that appears impossible
  • Help someone who refuses your help
  • Stop a bad habit you keep repeating

You cannot figure out what to do. As a result, you get down in the dumps.

Although frustrated, you don’t want to give up too soon.

  • You may reach your goal if you try one more time.
  • The person you want to help may succeed with one more chance.
  • You will never break that bad habit unless you keep trying.

With one more try, you may begin to see daylight.

Sometimes you turn your frustrations into beauty.

What can a farmer do with rocks in his field?

  • He can beat his head against a wall because of all the rocks.
  • Or he can build a fence that becomes a work of art.

Occasionally you do need to give up.

You decide to spend your time more wisely. Therefore, you:

  • Do what you can.
  • Accept what you cannot.
  • Make the best use of the time you have.

“Why bother even trying to do anything with you when you just keep to your bullheaded ways? You keep beating your heads against brick walls. (Isaiah 1:5 MSG).

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Garden Spot of the World

Garden Spot of the World

Garden Spot of the WorldI live in the garden spot of the world. In my opinion, Central Kentucky is the greatest place on earth.

Of course, many other people claim they live in the garden spot of the world. Our world offers much beauty, and I love to explore it. Nevertheless, nothing compares to my Kentucky home.

Consider all her advantages:

  • The beauty of four seasons
  • Friendly people
  • A great combination of countryside and towns
  • Hills, valleys, lakes, meadows — so many choices for homes or vacations
  • A variety of animals, both tame and wild

From the window near my desk, I watch the seasons change.

  • Flowers and trees turn green and bloom.
  • Sunshine, rain, rainbows, clouds, sleet, and snow come and go.
  • Rabbits, squirrels, turkeys, deer, butterflies, and birds pass by.

Many people who explore our area choose to remain here. Others return for frequent visits.

Our family loves to invite visitors from other countries to our home. We enjoy sharing with them our little spot in the garden spot of the world.

“But God made the earth by his power; he founded the world by his wisdom and stretched out the heavens by his understanding” (Jeremiah 10:12 NIV).

Where is your garden spot of the world? Please comment below.

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Pretty Is as Pretty Does

Pretty Is as Pretty Does

Pretty Is As Pretty Does“Isn’t she the prettiest thing you ever saw?” We say that about babies, toddlers, teens, and adults. We use the same words for puppies, kittens, and a host of other pets. Yet, that description can quickly change, if the person or pet’s behavior turns ugly.

We appreciate physical beauty. However, the most important beauty can’t be seen with our eyes. It comes from within. A strong moral character gives one a glow unlike any physical characteristic.

Some of the most beautiful people I know would never win a beauty contest.

Likewise, not everyone who could win a beauty contest lives a beautiful life. Both teach us that pretty is as pretty does.

Most of us want to look as good as possible. So, let’s stay clean, eat right, and exercise regularly. If beauty products help, why not use them? However, let’s not focus totally on what others see or what the mirror reflects. Let’s never forget the source of true beauty.

God made every person uniquely lovely.

Even so, that loveliness quickly fades with rude or hateful actions. In contrast, we enhance our loveliness with kind and helpful deeds.

The cute kitten above took part in a youth Sunday school class project. With permission, seventh and eighth grade girls took puppies and kittens from the local animal shelter to visit nursing home residents. Everyone enjoyed a fun-filled day. Those girls and their borrowed pets showed me once again that pretty is as pretty does.

“Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight” (1 Peter 3:3-4 NIV).

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