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To Die For

To Die For

My sister-in-law recently described a pie to die for. She told how it:

  • Looks
  • Tastes
  • Makes her feel

Anything to die for seems very important.

 People want it because it:

  • Looks wonderful
  • Makes them happy
  • Has great value

Most people will not actually die for a piece of pie (or other food).

However, they will pay a high price for it. They want it that much.

Besides food, items to die for might include:

  • Clothing
  • Jewelry
  • Cars
  • Houses
  • Trips

None of those is worth people giving their lives.

However, many people will die for what they believe.

A few who go beyond the call of duty include:

  • Veterans
  • Missionaries
  • Police officers and firefighters
  • Others who protect family and friends

God loved the world enough to send Jesus to die for it.

Jesus died so anyone who follows him can have eternal life.

“God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8 NIV).

 Thanks to Melissa Scott Taylor for the suggestion and to Winona Smith for the photo of one of her wonderful pies.

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Beyond the Call of Duty

Beyond the Call of Duty

Beyond the Call of Duty--flag flyingA person who goes beyond the call of duty does more than required.

They do their job plus more. This expression is often used for:

  • Soldiers
  • Firefighters
  • Police officers

Those jobs are dangerous. To go beyond the call of duty makes them more dangerous.

People who chose such work put themselves at risk for the sake of others. Yet, many people accept that risk every day.

Anyone can go beyond the call of duty.

  • Teachers
  • Factory workers
  • Restaurant workers
  • Anyone

To go beyond the call of duty costs something.

  • Time
  • Money
  • Health
  • Life

July 4, Independence Day, celebrates the birth of the United States.

That birth came at great cost. Many, who did more than they had to do, lost their lives.

Never forget the price paid for the freedom so many enjoy.

Thank a veteran or a soldier who continues to make that freedom possible.

 “You’ve gone far beyond the call of duty in taking care of us; what can we do for you?” (2 Kings 4:13 MSG).

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