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Move Heaven and Earth

Move Heaven and Earth

Move Heaven and Earth--tree in front of lakeHave you had people move heaven and earth to help you? They do everything in their power to provide what you need. I have, and I am eternally grateful for their assistance.

In a crisis, I called a friend. She stopped what she was doing and cancelled her plans to come to my aid. Her friendship is the real McCoy.

To move heaven and earth means to do everything possible to make something happen.

We resolve to do all we can to:

  • Help someone else.
  • Achieve what we desire.
  • Accomplish a goal.

In spite of challenges, we reach for the sky. We try to make the impossible possible.

Move heaven and earth implies commitment.


  • Dedicate ourselves to a purpose.
  • Give our best effort.
  • Have no plan to quit.

Such commitment requires hard work.

Ordinary efforts are not enough. We strive for the extraordinary.

The Creator of heaven and earth set the example for us.

God loves us and offers life in heaven when we leave this earth. May we do all in our power to tell others of Jesus’ sacrificial gift to make that possible.

“May you be blessed by the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth” (Psalm 115:15 NIV).

Thanks to Scott Tice for the suggestion.

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Potluck--table with lots of foodDo you enjoy potluck meals? If you grew up in a large extended family like I did, you understand potluck. Aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends from everywhere bring food. Lots of food. Stick to your ribs food.

Attend church potlucks, and you get a little taste of heaven on earth. Dishes that weigh down tables, plus fellowship with other believers, fill both body and soul.

Friends, co-workers, and neighbors also create great potlucks. Food and fun abound.

Potlucks may be inside, outside, or on a hillside. We once invited neighbors to a potluck picnic on top of the hill behind our house. A farm wagon served as our table. Everyone enjoyed the scenery as well as multiple plates of country cooking.

Potluck refers to a shared meal with dishes brought by those who attend.

You bring whatever dish you desire. Although unplanned, the meal usually includes plenty of everything. No one stresses, because the meal is casual and everyone helps.

Potluck (sometimes written as pot luck) means to take a chance on an uncertain outcome.

Of course, if you attend a potluck meal, you take your chances on what you get to eat. However, this also refers to other unknowns, including:

  • Shopping
  • Travel
  • Work
  • Any situation with little information but high hopes

You have one certain outcome available to you.

If you trust Jesus as Savior and Lord, you never have to guess. You never have to face unknowns alone. Plus, God has planned a banquet for you and other believers in heaven.

“Blessed is the one who will eat at the feast in the kingdom of God.” (Luke 14:15 NIV).

Thanks to Brad Leverett for the suggestion. Photo courtesy of Pexels.

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Well Begun Is Half Done

Well Begun Is Half Done

Well Begun Is Half Done--Snake River float trip with Grand Tetons in backgroundMy husband and I love to travel. For years, we hopped in our car as often as possible to explore our country. However, we usually spent weeks planning the trip. We learned that well begun is half done.

We decided in advance:

  • How far we wanted to travel
  • What sights we wanted to see
  • How much time we had

We also allowed for short unplanned side trips off the beaten path.

Well begun is half done means if we begin well, we are more likely to end well.

Work begun well usually means:

  • Less work to complete
  • Increased chance for success

This holds true whether we want to:

  • Build a house
  • Write a book
  • Sell a product

If we have no idea what we need to do, we get nowhere.

We spin our wheels and accomplish nothing.

Well begun is half done also relates to our spiritual lives.

For the best life, we make the best plans. Will we focus on ourselves for our brief time on earth? Or will we choose a personal, eternal relationship with Jesus? If we follow Jesus, we receive:

  • Joy for our present journey in both good and bad times
  • Hope for a home in heaven

At the end of life’s road, nothing matters more.

 In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life” (1 Timothy 6:19 NIV).

Thanks to Joy S. Taylor for the suggestion.

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Can’t Beat It with a Stick

Can’t Beat It with a Stick

Can't Beat It with a Stick-Old FaithfulOur family loves Yellowstone National Park. For a travel destination, we can’t beat it with a stick.

Consider all it offers:

  • A crystal-clear lake
  • Majestic mountains
  • Thundering waterfalls

Plus, wildlife:

  • Bison
  • Elk
  • Deer
  • Bears
  • Wolves

However, its thermal features are our favorites:

  • Mud pots
  • Geysers
  • Steam vents
  • Hot springs

That explosive power just under the earth’s surface amazes us.

Can’t beat it with a stick means nothing is better.

We can’t improve it. Definitely not fair to middling, no greater deal exists.

Sometimes, we simply say we can’t beat it. It’s excellent, as we find in:

  • The beauty and wonder of Yellowstone
  • A dependable car or truck
  • The best meal of our lives
  • A bargain at the store

More impressive than any of this is its Creator.

We stand in wonder of the beauty and bounty of our earth. Yet, imagine the One who created it.

Imagine eternity with the Creator of everything.

God promises an eternal home in heaven to everyone who follows Jesus. The apostle John describes his vision of heaven in the Bible’s book of Revelation. However, heaven’s glory remains beyond anything we can imagine.

“’What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived’—the things God has prepared for those who love him—” (1 Corinthians 2:9 NIV).

Thanks to Joe and Ann Klotz for the suggestion. Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.

How the Sausage Is Made-Harriet Michael book, Glimpses of the SaviorCongratulations to Frank Cheatham, whose name was randomly selected from my mailing list to receive a free copy of Shirley Crowder and Harriet Michael’s devotional book, Glimpses of the Savior: 50 Meditations for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year.

Subscribe to receive my weekly posts by email and receive a free copy of “Words of Hope for Days that Hurt.”

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Bought the Farm

Bought the Farm

Bought the farm-a large farm with house, barns, and other buildingsThe Nature Conservancy bought the farm that belonged to the Hall family in South Central Kentucky. That purchase marked the end of family traditions but the beginning of public traditions.

The Homeplace on Green River has become an outdoor classroom. It hosts events throughout the year. According to its website, it offers:

  • Immersive educational programs
  • Community festivals
  • Event rentals
  • Hiking trails
  • Crop land leasing
  • Lab and conservation programs
  • And more

If we have bought the farm, we have died.

Family members and friends grieve the loss of life and past family traditions. Yet, life goes on, and new traditions begin.

We find possible origins for this expression at The Phrase Finder.

Numerous expressions describe death.

We find other expressions for death at Kick the Bucket.

When we have bought the farm, our life on earth ends.

However, our eternal home begins. If we accept Jesus as personal Savior and Lord, we have the promise of a home in heaven with Him.

“Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life” (John 5:24 NIV).

Thanks to Diana Flegal for the suggestion

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Nail It

Nail It

Cross in center of paper, nailed to a rough piece of woodDuring the Olympics and other sporting events, athletes want to nail it.

  • Skaters desire a perfect balance of style, strength, and difficulty.
  • Swimmers want to remain in their lanes and reach the wall first.
  • Runners pull out all the stops to cross the finish line before anyone else.

To nail it is to do a job well.

People succeed. They complete accurate work or present an almost perfect performance. They hit the nail on the head.

Jesus nailed our sins to the cross.

Although soldiers hung Him there, Jesus gave His life freely.

Jesus lived a perfect life and died the perfect sacrifice for our sins. His resurrection on the third day was the final nail of victory over sin and death.

We nail our part in God’s perfect plan when we accept Jesus’ offer of salvation.  

We cannot earn our way to heaven. However, Jesus prepared the way for us. He nailed our salvation.

At Easter and always, we celebrate and tell others of the fresh start possible through Jesus’ perfect gift.

“[God] forgave us all our sins, having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross” (Colossians 2:13-14).

Thanks to Debbie Tapscott for the suggestion. Image by congerdesign from Pixabay.

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My Heart Is Full

My Heart Is Full

My Heart Is Full--four generation family photoMy heart is full when I spend time with people I love. It’s also full when I miss those same people. The first feels good. The second hurts.

My heart is full means I feel strong emotions.

I usually feel glad. However, it also refers to times I feel:

Emotions affect physical reactions. My heart beats faster with strong emotions. It beats slower if I feel relaxed, snug as a bug in a rug.

My heart is full of different emotions when I see this picture.

  • Memories of good times fill me with joy.
  • Missing our get-togethers brings tears.
  • Knowing my dad, mom, and younger nephew are in heaven comforts my heart.
  • Looking forward to seeing them again makes my cup run over.

I give thanks for God’s never-failing presence and the emotions to deal with every life event.

“The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him” (Psalm 28:7 NIV).

If your heart is full of painful emotions due to experiencing a medical crisis, walking alongside someone who is, or caring for a loved one, my friend Tracy Crump’s book, Health, Healing, and Wholeness: Devotions of Hope in the Midst of Illness, may help. On Saturday, October 30, I will randomly select the name of one person on my mailing list to receive a free copy of Tracy’s book. Please encourage your friends to also subscribe to my mailing list for a chance to win.

Thanks to Jane Ashley Pace for the suggestion.

Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.

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End of the Road

End of the Road

End of the Road--setting sun at end of a roadWhile on a trip, many of us look forward to the end of the road.

Once we hit the trail, we can hardly wait to get where we are going. We want to spend most of our time there.

If we ride a bus or train, we might talk about the end of the line. The road or line stops, so the bus or train cannot go farther.

The end of the road means the conclusion or final step.

This expression may refer to the end of a:

  • Trip
  • Process
  • Activity

Often the end of the road refers to death, the end of life’s journey.

We kick the bucket. We are graveyard dead.

On Memorial Day, we remember and honor those who died in service for our country.

Many of us look forward to the end of life’s journey.

We enjoy life. However, we know when we reach the end of life’s road, we step into our eternal home in heaven.

On a trip, people may follow the sun for physical direction. To receive a home in heaven, we follow the Son for spiritual direction. Jesus, God’s Son, offers life and purpose both now and at the end of the road.

“Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life” (John 3:36 NIV).

Thanks to Janis Atwood for the photo

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Pie in the Sky

Pie in the Sky

Pie in the Sky--cherry pie held up to the skyJoe Hill wrote about pie in the sky in his 1911 song, The Preacher and the Slave. His song criticized religious leaders who told people about heaven but ignored their physical needs.

Pie in the sky refers to a good future, usually after death.

However, that often means a bad life now with slim pickings. People wait and hope for better times.

Pie in the sky also means false hope, such as:

  • Plans or ideas that will never happen
  • Promises that will not be kept
  • Dreams that will never come true

Pie in the sky ideas sound good, but they seldom happen in real life. Wishes don’t make them occur.

People need more than pie in the sky.

Everyone should prepare for life after death. Yet, everyone also suffers real needs now.

Jesus showed how to balance the two.

Prepare for the future.

  • Accept Jesus as the way to heaven.
  • Live and teach as Jesus lived and taught.

Make a difference now.

  • Feed the hungry.
  • Care for the sick.
  • Give hope to the hopeless.
  • Help pick up the pieces of broken lives.

“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me’”(Matthew 25:34-36 NIV).

Do you have an expression you want explained? If so, please comment below.

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Thanks to Brad Leverett for the suggestion and to Lauren Gordon with Gordon Goodies for the photo.

Snug as a Bug in a Rug

Snug as a Bug in a Rug

Snug as a Bug in a Rug--baby in blanketAs I small child, I loved to snuggle with my parents.

They made me feel secure – snug as a bug in a rug.

They would wrap me in a blanket or quilt and hold me. We would:

  • Talk
  • Read
  • Sing or listen to music

I thought everything was okay as long as my parents held me close.

Like a bug in a warm rug, I felt:

  • Cozy
  • Comfortable
  • Content

As an adult, I know much in our world is not okay.

However, some things still make me feel snug as a bug in a rug.

  • A warm house on a cold winter night
  • Hugs from family and friends
  • Long walks in the middle of nowhere
  • A good book by a favorite author

One day everything will be okay for those who believe in Jesus.

Jesus loves me (and you) more than the best parents. He offers everyone:

  • Forgiveness of sin
  • A personal relationship
  • A home in heaven
  • A fresh start

Jesus guides through life’s good and bad times. His peace, joy, hope, and love fill my heart. That makes me more secure than any bug in a rug.

Will you accept His offer?

“They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord” (Psalm 112:7 NIV).

What makes you feel snug as a bug in a rug? Please comment.

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Thanks to Darrin and Danielle Jenkins for the photo.