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Tag: Memorial Day

Cream of the Crop

Cream of the Crop

Cream of the Crop--men at army reunionThe men in this group are some of the finest I know. They are the cream of the crop.

All served in the army as members of A Company, 1st of the 501st. Many suffer health issues as a result of their service. Not all remain with us.

Cream of the crop means the best.

Just as cream is the richest part of milk and rises to the top, these men rose to the challenge to serve when called. When they gather, they always remember their comrades—their brothers—who returned home in flag-draped boxes plus those who have died since their return home. The men (and women) who went beyond the call of duty are gone but not forgotten.

Those in the cream of the crop challenge us to give our best.

We may not be summoned for military service. Yet, we can serve in some way.

God calls us to make our world a better place.

Memorial Day and always, may the needs around us and the memories of those who gave their all spur us to action.

There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. (1 Corinthians 12:5 NIV).

Thanks to Beckham Wilson for the suggestion.

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End of the Road

End of the Road

End of the Road--setting sun at end of a roadWhile on a trip, many of us look forward to the end of the road.

Once we hit the trail, we can hardly wait to get where we are going. We want to spend most of our time there.

If we ride a bus or train, we might talk about the end of the line. The road or line stops, so the bus or train cannot go farther.

The end of the road means the conclusion or final step.

This expression may refer to the end of a:

  • Trip
  • Process
  • Activity

Often the end of the road refers to death, the end of life’s journey.

We kick the bucket. We are graveyard dead.

On Memorial Day, we remember and honor those who died in service for our country.

Many of us look forward to the end of life’s journey.

We enjoy life. However, we know when we reach the end of life’s road, we step into our eternal home in heaven.

On a trip, people may follow the sun for physical direction. To receive a home in heaven, we follow the Son for spiritual direction. Jesus, God’s Son, offers life and purpose both now and at the end of the road.

“Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life” (John 3:36 NIV).

Thanks to Janis Atwood for the photo

Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.

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Rings a Bell

Rings a Bell

If anything rings a bell, it causes us to remember.

We may not remember all the details. However, we do remember small amounts.

  • Faces look like people we know.
  • Places seem familiar.
  • Activities remind us of past events.
  • Words make us think of books or movies.

Many things don’t ring a bell.

As we get older, near our golden years, we often say, “That does not ring a bell.” We think we should remember something, but we don’t.

The bell in this memorial park reminds me of the original Liberty Bell. Yet, I fail to remember all I once knew about it. If I want to remember more, I have to look it up in books or online.

Often, what rings a bell comes out of the blue.

We don’t expect it. Yet, it happens.

  • A special song
  • The smell of favorite foods
  • An old picture

What rings a bell can cause both good and bad memories.

This Memorial Day and always, may we remember the gifts of those who lived before us. May we also remember the Giver of life and all good gifts.

“They remembered that God was their Rock, that God Most High was their Redeemer” (Psalm 78:35 NIV).

What rings a bell for you? A special song? The smell of favorite foods? An old picture? Please comment below.

Thanks to Kristy Robinson Horine for the suggestion.

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