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Take Down a Peg or Two

Take Down a Peg or Two

Take Down a Peg or Two--ship with sailsMany of us have personal experience related to take down a peg or two.

My childhood friends and I knew the expression well. When we became too big for our britches,  our parents put an end to our high and mighty behavior.

Their discipline took several forms:

  • The look of disapproval
  • Scolding
  • Time out
  • Loss of privileges
  • Other methods of loving but stern correction

To take down a peg or two means to deflate our pride or ego.

When we think too much of ourselves, we need a good dose of humility. No one is better than anyone else.

If we mistreat others, we may eventually get a taste of our own medicine. Our time for shame will probably come.

Wanting to do well is okay but not at the expense of others.

Hurting anyone in order to succeed spoils true success. Getting ahead never justifies:

  • Rudeness
  • Injury
  • A superior attitude

Take down a peg or two has a maritime connection.

According to The Free Dictionary, the expression “alludes to lowering a ship’s colors … by means of pegs. The higher the colors … the greater the honor.”

Refuse to become arrogant and self-centered.

Choose instead to straighten up and fly right. God, who is Love, calls us to love and help one another.

“Do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor be weary when reproved by him.
For the Lord disciplines the one he loves” (Hebrews 12:5-6 NIV).

Thanks to Tracy Crump for sharing this expression following her maritime museum tour.

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High Horse

High Horse

High Horse--young woman beside large horseNone of us has any reason to get on a high horse. However, when life goes well, we face the temptation to act high and mighty.

To get on a high horse means to act superior.

Years ago, people of high rank rode tall horses. That custom became a symbol of superiority.

If we are on a high horse, we believe or act like we are better than others. That may mean higher:

  • Morals
  • Power
  • Finances
  • Position

However, the higher the horse, the farther the fall.

When we look down on other people, we lower ourselves. Our highfalutin ways end up hurting rather than helping. They also make other people respect us less, not more.

If we fail or fall from a high rank, the loss hurts worse.

We want confidence but not arrogance.

To be more effective, we need to get off our high horse and work with one another.

As we learn and grow together, we become better people. Rather than look down on others, we want to lift them up.

We travel this journey of life together. Why not unite and achieve more?

That makes good horse sense. Don’t you agree?

“Pride brings a person low, but the lowly in spirit gain honor” (Proverbs 29:23 NIV).

Thanks to Pat Childress Conner Stapp for the suggestion and to Chelsey Stone for the photo.

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Bigwig-woman in costume with high wigFew of us are bigwigs. However, we probably know people who are.

A bigwig is an important person.

The person may be a:

  • King, queen, or other government official
  • President of a company
  • Famous actor or athlete

A bigwig usually has a high position, power, and money.

According to The Phrase Finder, “The fashion for wigs began with the Bourbon kings of France. Louis XIII (1601 – 1643) went prematurely bald and took to wearing a wig. By the middle of the century … wigs were virtually obligatory for all European nobility.” Their wigs became so large, this phrase grew in popularity.

Bigwig also means a person who pretends to be important.

If we try to be a bigwig, we act highfalutin. Our pride gives us a big head. Other people usually recognize the behavior as only an act.

Everyone is important to God.

We may not have a high position, money, or power, but God gives us purpose. May each of us find our purpose and do it to the best of our ability.

“Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you” (Romans 12:3 NIV).

Thanks to Regina Graham for the suggestion. Image by Michael Gaida from Pixabay.

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Goody Two-shoes

Goody Two-shoes

Goody Two-shoes--legs and feet of a little girl and boy on a couch with a dog between themWe discover a big difference between a good person and a goody two-shoes. The first wants to live a respectable, moral life. The second acts self-righteous with a holier-than-thou attitude.

A goody two-shoes tries to act better than everyone else.

However, that behavior comes from a self-serving motive. The person, also called a goody-goody, follows laws or rules more from pride or self-interest than beliefs. That often results in getting someone else in trouble.

Goody two-shoes people have existed since ancient times.

Jesus taught the importance of hearts made right with God rather than rituals of righteousness. People can follow the law but still hurt others. If their only concern is themselves, they have missed God’s message of love and forgiveness.

Instead of a focus on self, Jesus taught and lived to:

  • Go beyond laws and customs – to go the second mile.
  • Live humbly.
  • Love and forgive.
  • Help others.

Remain honest – a genuinely good person, not a goody two-shoes.

“Put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness” (Ephesians 4:24 NIV).

Thank you to Cynthia Shoemaker for the suggestion. Photo courtesy of Pexels with Pixabay.

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Stuck Up

Stuck Up

Stuck Up--Squirrel on top of bird feederI caught this little squirrel where he should not be, doing what he should not do. The feeder was for birds, not squirrels. Yet, there he sat, stuck up and daring me to do anything about it.

Squirrels apparently believe rules about bird feeders don’t apply to them. They ignore such restrictions. They focus on what they want and do whatever it takes to get it:

  • Climb poles
  • Hang from limbs
  • Turn upside down

If it benefits them, who cares about the birds?

Many people exhibit a similar attitude.

Stuck up people feel proud or superior.


  • Have a big head
  • Look down on others
  • Feel overconfident
  • Act conceited

Stuck up people’s egos rule their actions.

 Because they believe they are better than anyone else, they:

  • Use people to get what they want
  • Mistreat people
  • Work only to benefit themselves

Hardly anyone likes such rude, highfalutin ways.

Stuck up people’s behavior often leads to trouble.

Many get caught where they should not be, doing what they should not do.

All people have worth.

No one is more or less important than anyone else. No one has any good reason to act arrogant –  too big for their britches.

God offers a better way.

  • Love one another.
  • Respect one another.
  • Care for one another, regardless of status.

“Don’t be stuck-up and think you’re better than everyone else” (Proverbs 30:13 MSG).

Thanks to Betty C. Johnson for the suggestion and to Jenny Kuo for the photo.

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Big Head

Big Head

Big Head--Closeup of lion's headLions have a big head, a loud roar, and a reputation as king of the jungle. Although big, strong, and fast, lions can be caught and controlled by smaller, weaker, and slower lion tamers.

People with a big head think they are better or more important than everyone else.


Their actions say:

  • I am better than you.
  • Look at me.
  • I am number one.

Pride controls people with a big head.

Self rules. Everything and everyone else take second place.

However, like lions, pride often leads to a fall.

Humility offers a better way.

Humble people recognize the worth in everyone. They treat others with:

  • Respect
  • Love
  • Wisdom
  • Compassion

When people treat one another as they wish to be treated, everyone wins. Our world becomes a better place.

“When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom” (Proverbs 11:2 NIV).

Thanks to Betty C. Johnson for the suggestion. Image by Kevinsphotos from Pixabay

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Highfalutin--four young girls in fancy dresses on steps

Children love to pretend. Many enjoy acting highfalutin. They want to look like someone else – a parent, hero, older sibling, or friend.

They often dress in the other person’s clothes or shoes. Many times, they try to walk or talk like the person. What they see is what they want to be and do.

We smile or laugh at their behavior. However, many never outgrow that desire to be someone they are not.

Highfalutin people pretend to be more important than they are.

They want to appear:

They act proud, trying to impress everyone. However, they usually fall flat.

Acting highfalutin usually makes people look silly.

Years ago, I served as juvenile counselor for a young man on probation. He made several improvements. Then he ran away to a large city. When he returned about two weeks later, everything about him changed. He:

  • Spoke with an artificial accent
  • Walked with a defiant swagger
  • Wore fancy clothes with his hat cocked on the side of his head.

He tried so hard to rid himself of his country background. Instead, he made everyone laugh.

All people have worth without having to pretend.

God created each one:

  • Not better than anyone else
  • Not worse than anyone else
  • Not to be anyone else
  • To be the best unique person possible

A simple down-to-earth life far outweighs a highfalutin one.

“The eyes of the arrogant will be humbled  and human pride brought low; the Lord alone will be exalted in that day” (Isaiah 2:11 NIV).

Thanks to Harriet Michael for the suggestion and to Jennifer Van Mersbergen for the photo.

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Holier than Thou

Holier than Thou

Holier than Thou--church steeple framed by treesEveryone makes mistakes. Those who act holier than thou rarely admit them.

People with a holier-than-thou attitude look down on others.

Because they view themselves as better than everyone else, they show:

  • Pride – “Look how great I am.”
  • Disrespect – “What you think or feel matters little.”
  • Rudeness – “Get out of my way.”
  • Contempt – “You disgust me.”

Holier-than-thou people are self-righteous.

Truly righteous people love and care for others. Self-righteous people show a hateful, non-caring attitude. Like wolves in sheep’s clothing, they are not what they pretend to be.

The Bible says to be holy. It does not say to be holier than thou.

This expression comes from Isaiah 65:5 (KJV).  Isaiah listed behaviors that displease God. His list included the pride and hypocrisy of those who say, “Stand by thyself, come not near to me; for I am holier than thou.”

Rather than focus on themselves, genuinely holy people focus on God and others. They are the real McCoy. Like  a church steeple, they stand tall and point toward God.

“Just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do;  for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy” (1 Peter 1:15-16 NIV).

Thanks to Judy Corbin  for the suggestion.

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Act High and Mighty

Act High and Mighty

Act High and Mighty--mountainsSome people think they are better than others.

Those who act high and mighty:

  • Appear proud and powerful
  • Want others to admire them
  • Believe they are more important than others
  • Act the opposite of humble, down-to-earth people.

People who act high and mighty have become too big for their britches.

They fail to treat everyone with respect.

No one is more or less important than anyone else. Different positions do not equal different worth.

The high and mighty don’t remain there forever.

Mountains change. People change.

The tallest mountains slowly erode. Rain, wind, animals, and people wear away the dirt and rocks. Time also changes the positions people fill.

God alone is eternally high and mighty.

God is God. People are not. Only God deserves our highest honor.

“Who is like you, Lord God Almighty? You, Lord, are mighty, and your faithfulness surrounds you” (Psalm 89:8 NIV)

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Down to Earth

Down to Earth

Down to Earth-wooded area, farm gate, leaves on groundWhere I grew up, most people like to be known as down to earth.

A down to earth person is a good ordinary person.

He does not:

  • Want to be fancy
  • Try to impress other people
  • Think he is better than others

Rather, he:

  • Stays humble
  • Is easy to like
  • Remains realistic
  • Speaks clearly and simply
  • Is as good as his word

 Sometimes a person needs to be brought down to earth.

That can mean one of two things:

  1. The person is too proud – too big for his britches.
  2. Or, he is not aware of or not accepting reality. He needs to face the facts.

Being brought down to earth can be hard but helpful.

No one enjoys the process. Yet, if a person can grow, the pain is worth the change.

I try to make this blog down to earth with simple, easy-to-understand language. Is it working? How can I improve? Please comment.

All of you, leaders and followers alike, are to be down to earth with each other” (1 Peter 5:5 MSG).

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