The Real McCoy

The Real McCoy

The Real McCoy-Penn's StorePenn’s Store, three miles southeast of Gravel Switch, Kentucky, is the real McCoy. According to its website, Penn’s Store “is not a restored landmark; it is an authentic landmark … the oldest country store in America run by the same family since 1850.”

The real McCoy means the real thing.

  • It makes no false claims.
  • Buyers or visitors get what they expect.
  • It is the original or the best example of what it represents.

Penn’s Store represents a genuine old country store. Not all stores that make such a claim live up to their ads. A visit reveals the truth.

People may also be the real McCoy.

In a similar way to stores, people show their true colors. Time with them reveals the truth of who they claim to be.

 No one knows the origin of the real McCoy.

Several possibilities exist. However, the origin matters little. The meaning matters much.

For eternal truth and life, follow the one and only genuine source of both.

Jesus offers the best life possible. He is the real thing.

“We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true by being in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life” (I John 5:20 NIV).

Thanks to Carole Fite for the suggestion and to Dawn Osborn (sixth generation Penn) for the photo.

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