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Tag: silver platter

Served on a Silver Platter

Served on a Silver Platter

Served on a Silver Platter--silver tea set on traySome people expect life served on a silver platter.

When they eat in fine restaurants, their food may be served on a silver platter (a large serving plate that symbolizes wealth). They eat high on the hog.

People who expect life served on a silver platter expect the best.

They don’t think they should ask for it. Instead, people should know and give them what they want. If they don’t receive what they want, they get upset.

Those people don’t want to work for it.

They think others should wait on them. They believe they deserve the best because of their:

  • Riches
  • Relationship with important people
  • History of being served

People with such expectations believe they are better than others.


Not everyone who expects life served on a silver platter is rich.

However, most have usually had their way. As a result, they think they should continue to get what they want when they want it.

Not every rich person expects life served on a silver platter.

Many wealthy people:

  • Share their riches
  • Work hard
  • Treat others with respect

Whether rich or poor as a church mouse, people can count their blessings and share those blessings with others. Serving others makes life so much better than serving self.

“Those who trust in their riches will fall, but the righteous will thrive like a green leaf” (Proverbs 11:28 NIV).

Thanks to Glenda Britton for the suggestion.

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