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Keep Your Hair On

Keep Your Hair On

Keep Your Hair On -- Girl with hair blowing around her faceHave you ever been in a windstorm where you felt like your hair was lifting off your head? If you wear a wig, the results can be disastrous and hilarious. You want to keep your hair on. Therefore, you hope the wind calms so your hair can do the same.

To keep your hair on means to stay calm.

People say this if you are:

They often say it as an order. They want you to get a grip.

You hear this expression primarily in the UK.

An American equivalent is to keep your shirt on. Both expressions caution you to regain control.

Keeping your hair on helps you be your best self.

Remaining calm and patient leads to a better:

  • Attitude
  • Blood pressure
  • Relationship with others

I pray you stay settled and at peace.

“I have calmed and quieted myself” (Psalm 131:2 NIV).

Thanks to Victor S E Moubarak for the suggestion. Image by Petra from Pixabay.

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Get It Off My Chest

Get It Off My Chest

Get It Off My Chest--Man bench pressing weights with woman coaching him

Sometimes a weightlifter tries to bench press too much. When that happens, the lifter may think or say, “Get it off my chest.”

We may not be weightlifters. However, we do occasionally need to get things off our chest.

To get it off my chest means to say something we have wanted to say a long time.

We may:

  • Confess a wrong.
  • Complain about or criticize an injustice.
  • Reveal hidden information.
  • Discuss a problem that worries us.

To get it off my chest usually results in relief.

We feel better when we let go of that excess baggage. The burden of emotional discomfort from pent-up feelings lifts.

When burdens weigh us down, seek support.

Life is too difficult to deal with on our own. Request help from:

  • Friends
  • Family
  • Support groups
  • Pastors
  • Counselors

Everyone can use extra encouragement. We never have to bear our cross alone.

Our greatest help comes from God. When we give all our lives—burdens, sins, hurts—to God, we gain a fresh start and the reassurance of God’s never-failing presence.

Thanks to Katherine Pasour for the suggestion. Photo by Michael DeMoya on Unsplash.

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There Now

There Now

There Now--little girl kissing the head of a little boy in a rockerWhen I needed comfort as a child, I could go to several relatives. They often responded with, “There now. Don’t cry. Everything will be okay.” I felt better immediately. Everything usually was okay.

My troubles included such tragedies as:

  • Bee stings
  • Poison ivy
  • Falls
  • Childhood quarrels

For bigger problems, they doubled their comfort. “There, there now” gave an extra word for extra cheer.

A few problems lasted longer than usual. For those, they reminded me everything would come out in the wash.

I learned from their comfort how to comfort others.

There now soothes or reassures someone having a tough time.

It helps a hurting person:

The need for comfort does not stop as an adult.

Troubles may differ, but they remain as real.

  • Health crises
  • Relationship woes
  • Financial stresses
  • Work demands

Ways to cheer one another include:

  • Prayers
  • Notes
  • Calls
  • Visits
  • Texts
  • Hugs, if appropriate

Listening is more important than talking. Availability is more important than activity.

Shout for joy, you heavens; rejoice, you earth; burst into song, you mountains! For the Lord comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones (Isaiah 49:13 NIV).

Thanks to Rita Smalley for the suggestion.

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Stop and Smell the Roses

Stop and Smell the Roses

Stop and Smell the Roses--roses and other flowers around a pool of waterMy husband and I love to travel. For years, we planned our own trips and did our own driving. We hit the trail as often as possible. I usually scheduled far more than we had time to do. However, we learned to stop and smell the roses along the way.

Our schedule was not as important as fun on the trip. We began according to plan but made changes along the way. We went off the beaten path almost every trip and are so glad we did.

To stop and smell the roses means to take time to enjoy life.

We slow down and relax. That means we:

  • Get away from our busy schedules
  • Recognize the importance of mini moments of joy.

Without breaks, stress builds.

No one can go forever. If we fail to get away, our:

  • Health suffers
  • Work becomes less productive
  • Relationships weaken

We must stop and smell the roses if we desire a good life.

Leisure time is a necessity, not a luxury. When God created the world, he set aside one day a week to rest and worship. The value of that plan remains as important now as then.

“Ask the Lord for rain in the springtime; it is the Lord who sends the thunderstorms. He gives showers of rain to all people, and plants of the field to everyone” (Zechariah 10:1 NIV).

Thanks to Karen Hart for the suggestion.

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Spread Too Thin

Spread Too Thin

Spread Too Thin--small amount of peanut butter on a slice of breadDo you ever find yourself spread too thin? Like too little peanut butter on a piece of bread, you cannot cover all you need to do.

You have too many irons in the fire and meet yourself coming and going. Your to-do list keeps growing. If you finish one task, two more take its place.

Spread too thin means you have too much to do and too little time to do it.

You have so many activities, you cannot keep up. You run short on:

  • Time
  • Energy
  • Resources

You feel overwhelmed and can do none of your tasks well.

When spread too thin, allow others to help you.

Extra hands make the work go faster. They also encourage you to keep on keeping on.

 Take breaks.

That sounds crazy, but it helps. A few minutes, hours, or days to relax does wonders.

If your stress level soars, time away helps:

  • Emotionally – Life looks better and hope returns.
  • Physically – Energy levels increase.
  • Mentally – Your mind clears, and you think better.
  • Spiritually – Rest and prayer restores.

Do what you can. Get help. Take breaks.

“I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint” (Jeremiah 31:24 NIV).

Thanks to Ann Knowles for the suggestion.

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Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Right

Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Right

Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right--two doves above an extended handWhen people wrong us, our natural reaction is to get even. We want to hurt them, to give them a taste of their own medicine. However, two wrongs don’t make a right.

If we keep hurting one another, everyone loses. In a battle of revenge, no one wins. Instead, we cut off our nose to spite our face. We never resolve a conflict with more conflict.

Two wrongs don’t make a right means a second offense does not cancel the first one.

  • Insulting someone who insults us does not erase our pain.
  • Attacking someone who attacked us does not take away the injury.
  • Lying about a person who lied about us only means neither of us can be trusted.

When we harm others, we harm ourselves.

Getting even may release part of our stress. Yet, bad feelings continue. When revenge rises, let’s nip it in the bud. Get rid of it before it gets out of control.

Don’t nurse negative emotions.

Jesus offers a better way.

  • Love
  • Compassion
  • Grace
  • Forgiveness.

Jesus’ life on earth demonstrated the words He taught. As soldiers nailed Him to a cross, Jesus forgave them. He was dying for them.

None of us deserve Jesus’ salvation, but He offers it anyway. Only when we follow His example will be experience inner peace. Problems may continue. Others may cause trouble. Yet, we have peace because we know the Prince of Peace.

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:43-44 NIV).

Thanks to Jason Smith for the suggestion. Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.

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Butterflies in My Stomach

Butterflies in My Stomach

Butterflies in My Stomach--butterfly on flowerI love butterflies, don’t you? I watch for them in gardens, yards, and on walks. Their colors and the way they flutter through the air thrill me. A butterfly makes any day better. However, I don’t love butterflies in my stomach.

Butterflies in my stomach mean I feel nervous.

Finding butterflies brings joy. Feeling them in my stomach … not so much.

Common causes for butterflies in my stomach include:

  • Public speaking
  • Job interviews
  • Singing or acting in public
  • Tests

Feeling a little nervous can be a good thing.

It makes me:

  • Prepare better
  • Try harder
  • Do my best

Feeling too nervous hurts my health.

It causes me to tie myself in knots, I suffer physically, mentally, and emotionally.

When butterflies flutter too long or hard, I remind myself not to sweat it. If I shake off the stress and give God control, God leads me through every challenge.

Thanks to Darrin Jenkins for the suggestion and the picture.

What causes butterflies in your stomach? Please comment .

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Don’t Sweat It

Don’t Sweat It

Don't Sweat It-Fan in the foreground; sun in the backgroundLast week we explored sweating bullets. This week we look at a better plan: Don’t sweat it.

Don’t sweat it means not to worry about it.

When troubles arise, sweating bullets does no good. In fact, it frequently causes great harm.

  • Upset stomach
  • Headaches
  • Tight Muscles.
  • Sleep Loss

“Ain’t no need to worry.”

Several years ago, I watched an interview of a baseball player. I don’t remember the player or his team. However, I do remember this wise (but grammatically incorrect) quote.

He explained that if we worry about something that never happens, we waste all that time and energy. Therefore, “ain’t no need to worry.”

Then he said if we worry about something that does happen, we failed to stop it. Again, “ain’t no need to worry.”

 “Why worry when we can pray?”

This quote comes from my friend Marian Woosley.

Her grammatically correct message reminds us to shake off our worry. Pray about our concerns. Let go and let God have control.

“Then Jesus said to his disciples: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear” (Luke 12:22 NIV).

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Image by Bruno /Germany from Pixabay.

Sweat Bullets

Sweat Bullets

Sweat Bullets-sweat on foreheadFew of us like to sweat bullets – physical or emotional.

After a hard day of physical work, giant drops of sweat the size of bullets drip from us. We get:

We long for a cool breeze, swim, or shower to help us feel better.

To sweat bullets also refers to emotional stress.

We become:

  • Anxious
  • Nervous.
  • Distressed
  • Fearful

We turn into worry warts.

Many stresses result from our circumstances.

  • Physical illness
  • Death
  • Job loss
  • Financial problems
  • Natural disasters

Other stresses come from within us.

We worry about:

  • An unknown future
  • Our purpose in life
  • Life after death

Whether external or internal, we tie ourselves in knots.

Next week we will look at a better way to deal with life’s stresses. Until then, stay cool, physically and emotionally. Seek God’s peace and purpose for this life and the next. Enjoy the possibilities of every day.

“Don’t fret and worry—it only leads to harm” (Psalm 37:8 TLB).

Thanks to Ann Maniscalco for the suggestion.

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Rat Race

Rat Race

As much as I hate rats, I feel sorry for them. The poor things never escape their rat race for survival. Not only do they compete against one another for food, people try to kill them.

A rat race means constant competition.

People compete for:

  • Money
  • Power
  • Success
  • Social status

They struggle against one another for the best position. Although they may not kill one another, they do often damage the work or reputation of competitors.

In addition, constant stress destroys people’s health. Intense pressure leaves little time to relax. Instead, they end up running on fumes.

Many people decide to escape their rat race.

Rat Race--city traffic jamThey choose a slower, more relaxed lifestyle.

When I think of a rat race, I usually imagine big cities. I love to visit New York City, San Francisco, and Chicago. However, I never want to live there. I hate traffic jams and daily crowds.

Instead, give me country life with wide open spaces. My little garden spot of the world suits me fine. I prefer the middle of nowhere to crowded city streets.

Of course, people in the country live with stress too. A too-busy schedule happens everywhere.

All people need moments to relax.

A slower pace gives time to

  • Enjoy the moment
  • Experience all of life
  • Recognize the importance of relationships
  • Give of oneself for a greater good

Work hard, but live well.

“Always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else” (1 Thessalonians 5:15 NIV).

Thanks to Shelia Price for the suggestion. Photo by Rebekah Blocker on Unsplash.

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