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Shake Off

Shake Off

If dogs get wet, stand back. We don’t want to be too close when they shake off the water. However, we can learn from their actions.

We try to shake off what bothers us.

Problems we might want rid of include:

  • Dirt, bugs, and other yukky stuff
  • Sickness
  • Bad moods
  • People
  • Fear

Some problems are easier to shake off than others.

  • Dirt washes off easier than mud.
  • We get over a cold easier than the flu.
  • Grief over a lost game hurts less than grief following a loved one’s death.
  • An annoying child upsets us less than an abusive adult.
  • Bugs don’t scare us as much as bears.

Many of us need to shake off stress.

We become worry warts over:

  • Mistakes from the past
  • Difficulties we face today
  • What will happen in the future

Perhaps we should pay more attention to ducks and dogs.

Like water off a duck’s back or water off a dog’s body, let that stress go. Shake it off.

  • Get some exercise.
  • Take a walk.
  • Sing.
  • Make a list of what bothers us and then rip the list to pieces.
  • Let go and let God lead.

“Shake off your dust;  rise up” (Isaiah 52:2 NIV).

Thanks to Joy S. Taylor for the suggestion. Photo by Katrin B on Pixabay

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A Month of Sundays

A Month of Sundays

A Month of Sundays--calendar with Sundays circledA month of Sundays means a long time.

 “I haven’t seen you in a month of Sundays” was a common greeting where I grew up. This often happened with:

  • Out-of-state relatives who visited once a year
  • People who went to school together years earlier
  • Grandparents who had not seen grandchildren for a few days

They meant the time between visits seemed to last forever.

A month of Sundays also means something will never happen.

If invited to pet a snake, many might reply, “Not in a month of Sundays.” They never plan to do it.

God gave Sundays for worship and rest.

Worship allows people to focus on God. Rest gives them a pick-me-up after a hard week of work.

Years ago on Sundays, many churches did not allow:

  • Games or sports
  • School or community events
  • Shopping
  • Work, except emergencies
  • Anything much except church attendance and quiet rest

Therefore, some people thought Sundays lasted a long time. A month of Sundays would have felt extra long.

I fear people today have gone too far the other direction. They burn their candles at both ends. As a result, they stay tired and stressed without God’s day of rest.

“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy” (Exodus 20:8 NKJV).

Thanks to Carole Fite and Darrin Jenkins for this suggestion. Thanks also to Taylor County Bank for the use of their calendar page with Larry Smith’s photo.

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Easy Does It

Easy Does It

Easy Does It--gentle streamEasy does it tells us to move slowly and carefully.

 Like gently flowing water, we:

  • Take our time
  • Work around hard spots
  • Go with the flow

If we move too fast, we quickly learn that haste makes waste.

Sometimes easy does it relates to work.

We remain careful when we:

  • Move a heavy piece of furniture
  • Carry a special painting or piece of pottery

We don’t want to drop or break any of those.

Other times easy does it relates to our emotions.

When we feel out of control, rather than blow off steam, we:

  • Calm down
  • Relax
  • Control our temper
  • Treat everyone as we want to be treated

Ways to stay in control include:

  • Taking deep breaths
  • Lowering our shoulders, so our muscles relax
  • Closing our eyes and thinking of a favorite place
  • Praying
  • Asking if what upsets us will matter in ten years

Easy does it works well for everything and everybody.

“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control” (Galatians 5:22-23 NIV).

Thanks to Janna Babak for the suggestion.

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Senior Moment

Senior Moment

Senior Moment--child tying string around an adult's fingerReady to sing, I stood before the crowd in my aunt’s church. However, the first words out of my mouth were, “I forgot.” At three-years-old, I had a senior moment.

Actually, I had a bad case of stage fright. That fear made me pull my skirt to my mouth and forget the words of my song.

A senior moment means we forget something or make a silly mistake.

As senior (older) adults entering our golden years, we may:

  • Forget where we put our glasses and then find them on top of our head
  • File something in a safe place and forget where that safe place is
  • Fail to remember a good friend’s name
  • Tie a string around our finger to help us remember but forget why we tied the string

 As we age, we forget more often.

We can get upset about those egg-on-our-face moments, or we can laugh.

Like the people at my aunt’s church, most of us laugh. However, we want to laugh with, not at, one another. Never make fun of someone with memory problems.

Any of us can have a senior moment.

In addition to age, we forget because of:

  • Fear
  • Too much on our minds
  • Excitement
  • Illness or medication
  • Accidents

From seniors in high school to senior adults, we forget. Why not accept that fact and enjoy every moment?

“Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits” (Psalm 103:2 NIV).

Thanks to Carole Fite for the suggestion and to Karen Atwood for the photo.

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Beat Your Head against a Wall

Beat Your Head against a Wall

Beat Your Head against a Wall--stone wall with redbud trees in frontIf you beat your head against a wall, you try to do something that looks hopeless.

You may also say you:

  • Bang your head against a wall
  • Bang your head against a brick wall

However you say it, the expression means you waste your time.

You beat your head against a wall when you try again and again with no success.

Few people beat their head against a real wall. However, some do. Unless you want a terrible headache, don’t try it.

Beat your head against a wall means you feel frustrated.

You may want to:

  • Reach a goal that appears impossible
  • Help someone who refuses your help
  • Stop a bad habit you keep repeating

You cannot figure out what to do. As a result, you get down in the dumps.

Although frustrated, you don’t want to give up too soon.

  • You may reach your goal if you try one more time.
  • The person you want to help may succeed with one more chance.
  • You will never break that bad habit unless you keep trying.

With one more try, you may begin to see daylight.

Sometimes you turn your frustrations into beauty.

What can a farmer do with rocks in his field?

  • He can beat his head against a wall because of all the rocks.
  • Or he can build a fence that becomes a work of art.

Occasionally you do need to give up.

You decide to spend your time more wisely. Therefore, you:

  • Do what you can.
  • Accept what you cannot.
  • Make the best use of the time you have.

“Why bother even trying to do anything with you when you just keep to your bullheaded ways? You keep beating your heads against brick walls. (Isaiah 1:5 MSG).

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Snowed Under

Snowed Under

Snowed UnderMuch of the United States has been snowed under for several weeks.

Almost everything outside disappeared under multiple layers of snow and ice. Bitterly cold temperatures and strong winds made the situation worse.

As a result, schools, offices, and stores closed. Emergency services encouraged people to stay home.

Any time of year, we can become snowed under with responsibilities.

We have more to do than we can possibly do. We feel like we are under a mountain of chores. Demands come from:

  • Home
  • Work
  • Church
  • Community
  • Friends
  • School
  • Our own expectations

Fun activities are no longer fun. We can’t stop thinking about what we need to do. Our lives feel like we are on a treadmill. We go as fast as we can but seem to get nowhere.

So how do we crawl out from under this snowed under feeling?

  • Set priorities. Decide what’s most important. Do that first.
  • Keep a list of what we need to do. Lists free our brains to focus on one task at a time.
  • Learn to delegate. Ask other people for help.
  • Do what we can. Then let the rest go until later.
  • Delete. If activities take too much time and are unimportant, get rid of them.
  • Take a break. A brief rest can increase our energy and improve our outlook.
  • Be thankful we are not bored.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28 NIV).

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