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Tag: thankful

Count Your Blessings

Count Your Blessings

Count Your Blessings-cornucopia with pumpkins

I love to hear Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney sing “Count Your Blessings” in the movie White Christmas. I also love the words of the hymn “Count Your Blessings.” In recent years, Laura Story’s “Blessings” has become another favorite.

Laura wrote “Blessings” after she learned her husband had a brain tumor. I first heard it after my husband’s brain tumor diagnosis. Laura tells her family’s story in this video.

All three of these songs remind me (and you) to be thankful.

We can count our blessings at all times and in all circumstances.

  • During good times and bad
  • Whether rich or poor
  • When alone or with others

Hard times can be blessings in disguise.

  • Illness often gives us a greater love for life.
  • Job loss sometimes leads to a better job.
  • Pain can make us stronger.
  • Money problems can teach us better spending habits.

Let’s think about the good in our lives and give thanks. When life gets hard, let’s ask God to show us the blessings in those experiences.

Happy Thanksgiving!

“May God our Father shower you with blessings and fill you with his great peace” (Colossians 1:2 TLB)

What are some of your greatest blessings? Please comment below.

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Down in the Dumps

Down in the Dumps

Down in the Dumps--looking up through dark rocks No one enjoys being down in the dumps.

We don’t like to feel depressed or unhappy. Yet, we all get down in the dumps sometimes.

Darkness covers us, much like entering a cave with no lights. We wonder if life will ever get better.

A few people suffer depression because of a physical problem. Most of us simply have days we don’t enjoy as much as others.

  • Our car won’t start.
  • We argue with someone we love.
  • We have to work long hours.

Problems keep growing, and so does our bad mood.

Like an old dog, we growl at others.

  • We frown.
  • We fuss.
  • Nothing pleases us.

Because we feel down in the dumps, we often make others feel bad too.

We want them to share our misery. Yet, most of us have a choice.

Will we focus on our bad moments?

Or will we be thankful for all the good we still enjoy? We’ll talk more about that choice next week.

“Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God” (Psalm 42:5 NIV).

Do you have an expression you want explained? If so, please comment below.

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Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth

Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth

Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth, horses in a fieldThe right response for any gift is Thank you.

We never want to act ungrateful. So, don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.

Some people can tell a horse’s age by looking in its mouth. Checking a gift horse’s age is rude. So is inspecting any gift for problems. We might do that later when the gift giver is not with us. But don’t do it in the giver’s presence.

Remember a gift is a gift.

We don’t earn it. Therefore,

  • Be thankful for any gift.
  • Don’t compare it to other people’s gifts.
  • Don’t act like you wish for more.
  • Don’t worry about what it costs.
  • Keep an attitude of gratitude.

A gift’s price matters less than our love and concern for one another.

  • Give freely.
  • Express thanks often.
  • Focus on feelings, not finances.

“Always be thankful” (Colossians 3:15 NIV).

Do you have an expression you want explained? If so, please comment below.

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