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Can’t Hear Myself Think

Can’t Hear Myself Think

Can't Hear Myself Think--stream of water in a wooded areaSometimes life gets so loud I can’t hear myself think.

Too much noise makes concentration difficult.

Phones ring and ding. Traffic buzzes and beeps. Timers chime. Alarms sound. Emergency alerts test. Televisions and radios blare.  Dogs bark. People talk, laugh, and cry.

When the noise becomes too great, I try to get away. Although I prefer to walk, any exercise helps.

Inner noise also makes it hard to think.

My brain gets overloaded with:

  • Chores to do
  • Bills to pay
  • People to contact
  • Problems to solve
  • Paperwork to complete

When I can’t hear myself think, my mind needs a rest.

Although exercise gives some relief, my greatest help comes through time alone with God in prayer. If I remember to be still, God soothes my soul. When I can’t hear myself think, such moments of silence are golden – priceless treasures of time.

“Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10 NIV).

Can you identify? What helps you quieten the noise? Please comment.

Thanks to Janna Babak for the suggestion.

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Pick-Me-Up, Flowers bloomingWe all need an occasional pick-me-up.

A bad mood or little energy leaves us down in the dumps. We feel too tired to move.

We need something to give us:

  • A better mood
  • Extra energy
  • A good rest

Flowers give some of us a pick-me-up. A field or garden full of flowers helps us remember the beauty of God’s creation.

A snack sometimes works. Although many of us like chocolate, the effect of food does not last long (except around the middle of our bodies).

A vacation helps. Yet, we may have to wait months for time off work.

Some of the greatest pick-me-ups require little work.

When we run out of steam, we can:

  • Take a few minutes to slow down. (Read a good book. Take a nap.)
  • Go for a short walk (or a longer one, if time allows).
  • Give or receive a few kind words. (If no one gives us kind words, we can still give ours.)

Pick-me-up moments matter.

They often turn bad days into good ones. They help us see light at the end of the tunnel. Go ahead. Make someone’s day!

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had (Romans 15:5 NIV).

Thanks to J. T. Henderson for the suggestion.

What is your favorite pick-me-up? Please comment.

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One Step at a Time

One Step at a Time

One Step at a TimeWe climb the highest mountain and walk through the lowest valley the same way – one step at a time. We place one foot in front of the other over and over again. Little by little we move forward.

We do the same emotionally. Whether we feel on top of the world or in the deepest depression, we keep going, one step at a time. Faced with a hard row to hoe,  we do what we need to do now. Then we take the next step.

Good teachers guide us one step at a time. If we move too fast or change the order, we often fail. If we take our time and follow directions, we usually succeed.

I rarely make New Year resolutions. If I did, I think this would make a good one. For this year, I want to take:

  • One step at a time
  • One day at a time
  • One task at a time

This one thing I know: Whether our journey fills us with joy or sorrow, we never have to walk alone. If we invite Him, God will walk with us every step of the way.

“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me” (Psalm 23:4 NIV).

What New Year resolution have you made? Please comment.

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