A Hard Row to Hoe
A long line of plants can be a hard row to hoe.
Gazing from one end to the other, we want to give up before we start.
My parents always believed in the value of hard work. Therefore, my sister and I began gardening at an early age. I thought those garden rows would never end. Plus, Kentucky summer temperatures often reach the 90s with humidity near 100 percent.
I recall standing in the hot sun, fuming at the cruelty of it all. I pledged that once I had a home of my own, I would never plant a garden. Famous last words!
After a few years, I realized vegetables taste better when I grow my own. Not even a farmer’s market can compete.
I also learned that if I focus on the plant of the moment, I reach the end faster. It keeps me from looking ahead with dread.
That holds true for most tasks.
Focus on what needs to be done now.
Then move to the next task. Any assignment becomes more manageable and less intimidating. With steady pacing, we soon complete our work. We can then enjoy the fruit of our labor, whether it is a:
- Fresh ear of corn
- Good test grade
- Clean house
- Completed work detail
Remember: When facing any difficult task, any hard row to hoe, don’t try to tackle everything at once. Take one step at a time.
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9 NIV).
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8 thoughts on “A Hard Row to Hoe”
This is so true. I never know there’s an expression like this. Thank you
Thank you, Jenny. I’m glad you like this one. Occasionally I find one we haven’t already discussed.